Frozen Stasis

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Have you ever dove into a creek in the middle of winter? I haven't, but I can imagine what it's like. It's cold, that's for certain, but it also makes every muscle tense up. At least for a moment, all I would want is to cling to what warmth I have left, to not have to thrash against the unforgiving waters. That first movement would be very uncomfortable. If I didn't move, though, I would die. The waters would consume me and destroy every bit of warmth I had. I said a moment ago that I hadn't experienced that bitter cold, but in a way, I very much had. The moment you don't try to fight those waters is the moment they consume you. I tried to balance on the edge of choice for too long. The truth is, choices that you don't make will eventually be made for you.
A matter of months is all it takes to kill faith simply by not trying. It's only by God's mercy and grace that I'm not dead, and I mean that both ways.
So the question is this: what are those icy waters consisting of?
These waters consist of a cool May breeze and the falling leaves of November. The afterthoughts of many a dark place, and the confusing cycle of redemption and dismay.

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