I just finished getting ready, it's currently 7:16 pm and Michael still didn't show up. I really hope he isn't gonna ditch me like that.... I don't really wanna walk to the restaurant...
I wait another 5 minutes till I hear a knock on my door. I get off the kitchen stool and open the door
"I am so sorry I was getting you a present and I didn't notice the time" I adjusted my eyes to his height and god dayum...
He was wearing a white shirt with a black AC/DC leather jacket with some black jeans and red converse. He had a hand behind his back as if he was holding something
"A-ah don't worry about it..." I smile "what time do we have to be there" I ask looking at the clock in my kitchen
"8:30" huh? "8:30? Why did you pick me up this early?"
"I wanted to hang around a bit if that's okay" "yeah of course" I give him a warm smile and he takes out a bouquet of beautiful red roses my eyes widen as he smiles and gives me the bouquet...
"They're beautiful Michael thank you" I said smelling these beautiful blood red flowers.
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I was so happy it was the first time someone gifted me roses and I was actually thinking if getting on my tip-toes and give him a little peck on the cheek
Is it a good idea? No. Might this make things awkward. Absolutely yes. Will I still do it?...
I get on my tip toes and give him a little kiss on the cheek accidentally leaving a mark of my lipgloss/chapstick
His eyes widen and his face heated up "ops" I said looking at the mark that I left "wait I'll remove it-" I say grabbing a tissue from the kitchen counter "don't" oh? "Leave it there" he said
"Oh alright, wanna come in?" I turned a round hiding my blush
"Sure" he said stepping in looking around.... "My brother should be getting home around 8 pm so wanna watch a movie to pass the time or something?" I asked filling the short silence