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It was a one cold winter in Garden City Long Island. It was a small but wealthy town, the harsh winds kept crashing on the roof of a small house, it was a bit run down, the few homes that weren't brand new or some small remodeling. Within the small house, there was a small boy, black curly hair with tan skin with some beautiful purple eyes. All alone, crying begging that someone to help. He grips his head, almost making his head bleed. "Someone please, my head hurts!"

A voice appears behind the boy "I can help prince" the boy looks behind him and there was what he saw was a small fairy with pure white hair.

"Who are you?" "Don't worry little one, there is a place for you to go. There you might meet him." "Who?"

"Your Father"

So, the boy followed the fairy and for three days, the fairy led him to a large pine tree "This is new, it wasn't here last year winter, but it seems to have protection magic to it, keep going that way 'north' and try to find, a goat or a horse man, they will help you from there. They boy just listen to it, has ever since it was with him none of the weird monsters that he seen came to attack him or the bad dreams."

As he enters, all the cold wind and snow that on the floor and some trees started to disappear for notice some people at with some weird clothing but they're all wearing orange shirt, a boy came close to him "Did a little fairy lead you here?" The boy just nods. "Ok, follow me."

The boy noticed that this was just like a summer camp, "So, you have a name, sorry let me introduce myself. My name is Luke, and your name is?"

"It Neoka." "Well, Neoka, which parent was missing in your life?" "Father"

"Great" He said with some annoyance.

The two of them go to the big house where Chiron and Dionysus are seen playing chess, with Dionysus in a winning state in black. That when Chiron sees Luke "Ah Luke, is that the boy that Winter Dryads was sent for."

"Yes, he is very quiet. His name is Neoka. Now if you need me, I'll be back out patrol."

"Well, Neoka, can you see my bottom half."

"Horse" "Well, yes. I'm a centaur and everything from Greek mythology is real. And this man you see is Mr. D or Lord Dionysus."

Dionysus just looks at the boy and right away just from looking his eyes. The boy has a purple wine glass glowing on top of his head. "Mr. D, this is one of yours." "I got stressed out and my wife took over a woman body."

"Wait is that why is can't just come here and visit you on holidays?" "Don't question us." He said without any shame.

"I sense great power within you, but it seems that your curse with my insanity, the power to inflict other, seems to be working only to yourself but there seems to be a level of power that in you."


That was three years ago, no one helped with my power not even my brothers, satyrs tried to help but they could help with my vines control powers. At that moment, Chiron called me, into an emergency. Great, I have to go back earlier to the camp. All of things has changed throughout the years of me knowing the world of the Ancient Greek world. I figured out the secret to my power, the power to mentally drain my enemies but the drawback, I have to fight them in a mental battle.

I was given a purple blade from my father, he said that Hephaestus has made this for him, but since he not a battle type of God, he had no use for it, so he gave it to me. On my first quest to defeat the Cerastes, it had some friends and got jumped by some small cyclops, loosing my left hand and the Hephaestus's kid, made be a robotic arm, because of their magical work making it so perfect that the mist had to trick people that my hand is walks cold. But the reason I don't like coming to camp is that since it was a quest, my quest mates have died, but not from monsters but my hands. That is all I remember. My father has some trouble figuring out the truth due to my ability. The other two kids were children of Hermes and Apollo. When I told them what I knew, Zues banished me from coming to camp once a month and during emergencies that Chiron has ordered. All that happened literally in the first few weeks of me being at camp.

During my travels. I have been training, kill all monsters. Even if they were innocent. I met Lady Artiemes and her Hunters. Most wouldn't believe it, but Artiemes allows me to casually travel with her, but have to stay 50 feet away from them when sleeping. Her reasoning is that I was new to the wonder and really didn't really get a chance plus the two kids were guys, so she somewhat fines with it.

At the moment, I was in Washington hunting down the monster that has escape me many times, the chimera. The respawn time of these damn things is 3 weeks.

I just took a public tour bus to New York, When I got to camp, I noticed that nothing had changed. I just look at the place and without even taken a breath, a voice screams out "Traitor why are you here?" I turn and she is very favorite Ares's daughter. Clarisse

"Chiron called, now leave me be, now where is Charles Beckendorf for my check up?"

"Probably at his cabin or talking to Selena."

I head to Cabin 9 and there he was and talking to Selena, so I decided to leave him be. Love is rare in our world, especially for someone that is cursed.

Head to the big house where I run to my dad, trying to drink Napa Valley Red Wine. But Chiron takes it way before it can transform to a diet coke. "There you are Neoka, How was your journey?" "Still, a chimera loose, oh hey dad. I hope that your royal ass is doing fine." When a grape vine wraps around my neck, I just giggle, that when my father realizes that I have wrapped him with a vine to his neck, right arm and leg.

"C'mon hold man, kill me, do it." That when thunder screams to stop them both "Well Grandpa pissy, what happen?" "The master bolt has been stolen, and for some reason blaming it on a boy, you and Grover will get the boy, Percy Jackson"

"Great, a war will come." 

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