Chapter 1

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Once again, thank you for reading this story and giving it a chance. 🫶🏼


It's raining, because that's just my luck.

And it's not just a light sprinkle, it's full on pouring out here.

The bus just dropped me off. I'm the only one who got off at this stop. So I just stand here, looking at the town that glows a little way in the distance.

This is my new start. A chance to start fresh after everything that has happened in the past. With him.

I shudder, willing my mind not to go back to that dreadful place deep in my thoughts.

My heart still feels heavy knowing that I had to leave my parents behind. They had enough money saved for me to get out of town and enough to last me a good month or so.

But I will go back to get them once I get my life on track. That I can promise. I'm not going to leave them stranded in that awful town.

Deciding I need to get out the rain, I start walking down the side of the street. There are no cars out driving, just a few parked at a few buildings that still seem to be open.

I walk a good five minutes before coming to a stop in front of a small gas station on the outskirt of this town. I'm glad it's open, giving me a place to get out of the rain for a bit and to get some food.

I guess I'm having chips and candy for dinner. Again. But hey, something is better than nothing.

I push open the door, the cool air making me shiver as I make my way inside.

The guy behind the counter doesn't even look up when I walk in. He seems quite young, but the bags and the dark grey circles under his pale eyes make him seem older. He just stares at his phone, leaning against the counter.

I turn and walk down one of the food isles. I scan up and down, looking for the chips or anything good really.

I glance up, nearly jumping out my skin as a little girl stands at the end of the isle.

Okay. That's definitely not creepy at all.

She continues to stare at me like I have two heads. She suddenly starts walking toward me, stopping when she's only about a foot away.

I take in her appearance as she just stands there staring at me. She's wearing a light pink rain coat, black leggings, and cute little light pink rain boots with bunny ears. Her jet black hair is pulled into two pigtails.

If anything, she's more adorable than scary. Even though I wish she would quit staring at me like I'm a ghost.

"I like your boots," she says softly, snapping me out of my inspection of her.

I glance down at my red rain boots, the ones I've had since I was a teenager. I'm glad I didn't leave them behind, I wasn't prepared for all this crazy weather.

I look back up at her, giving her a soft smile. "Thank you. I like yours too," I nod at her cute little boots.

She breaks out into a huge grin, showing off her little baby teeth as she does.

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