Chapter two

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Josh's P.O.V

          Why on earth do we have to go to the office. This is just bizar. I never in my life went to the principals office. " Josh stop complaining we were late to class " Kevin said. what's up with you dude how come you're not pissed over something like this, " I don't know all I know is that there is some chick in there that will become my view and you know what maybe  my wifeOh my here we go with the gibberish of Kevin. Trust me Kevin I known there is something seriously wrong with you  bud but you and this         " thing " you have going on with a women that never looked at you nor even herd of your existence gotta stop. " What do you mean she tottaly digs me, have you seen her all she does is look at me when I go to the office." Kevin listen to me very clearly I don't want to hide this from you anymore. There are only two reasons why girls looke at you. It's either that you have something on your face or they're just looking at what a clown you are. But mostly I'd say that they are looking at you're clown head. I started laughing at Kevin the moment I said that then he looked at me all in a pissed zone telling me if it really was time to laugh right now. I couldn't stop laughing with that look on his face " you better shut that dooface of you're before I make it" Kevin said with an anger tone but I couldn't help but laugh. Right when he was about to punch me we reached our destination. " what are you guys doing here" said the lady in the front office. Principal office I said then that when she told us to wait cause the principal was in a meeting.

Tiffany's P.O.V

              For some reason I feel worried for josh and Kevin but mostly josh. He never imagined himself in the principals office. He said that was his worst nightmare. " ECUSE ME young lady couldn't you hear me talk to you"  I heard a deep voice right in front of my face then i just relized that the teacher was right in front on me. His breath smelled like mint then i looked up and there it was an awkward moment with my teacher. Looking through his eyes was like watching the sunset at the beach. I couldn't help it but only stare at him and he was doing the same. I tried to find words to say " yes teacher " Then he stood and yelled out dont call me teacher, do i look like a teacher to you guys. where am i teaching for sure it is not and Elemetry. i'm your proffeser whats up with you kids"
I know he's my proffeser but i'm ot used to saying that. i'm sorry proffesor i didnt mean to get you mad i said then the bell rang thats when everyone got up. " Where are you guys going i'm the proffesor and i deside when to let you guys go. everyone sat then he let us go right before we sat.
                           " That was wierd " Call me proffesor " why did he get mad when in the beganning of the class he said i'll be your teacher till your teacher comes back he could've just said i'll be your proffesor till your prossesor comes back . Uggh so anoying . " Tiffany " !  I heard an excited voice behind me when i looked behind i saw  Arial. Oh my Gosh what are you doing here Arial i though you were going to NYC Unversity . " yeah i was but i couldn't stay away from my besti for that long. right after she said that she covered her mouth and asked if the guys were around because she knows that those pumpken heads dont like it when anyone else calls me besti they say that we are your besti and even your fiend. i always say whats up with that because there is no difference between those two words. " dont worry they are at the principles office." " what do you mean principles office what did they do wrong " late to class and plus we have this new proffesor who is really rude  and cute. " whats up with that" Ari said to me and i just looked up at her and gave her the what face i mean no affance but i had to add the cute part. she gave me a smile then told me that she had good news. i asked what it was then she asked me where im staying at. " Why "  i asked cause i want to be roomates with you . I'll tell you later after school or else we will be late to class.

          Author's Note
Hey Guys :)  so what do you guys think of my new story i know that chapter tow is short but ill try to make it long  i hope you guys like it. please comment so that i can know that there are somepeople at least reading it there might be some errors but please understand that this is my first time writing a story on wattpad and i really want you guys to like it and give comment. thanks i would really apperciate it..............


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