Chapter 11

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  Hey Guys How are you guys liking the story, Picture of Tiffany :)

  Ashley's  P.O.V

                                   I was waiting for Tiffany for such a long time, I wanted to call her to check if she was ok, because I was getting worried. Right when I pulled out my phone, she came in the door, all wet and soaked. " Tiffany, where were you, I was getting worried" I said as I stood up to face her, but she came in running to me and gave me a big hug, " What's with the smiley face" I asked her then she started dancing around me like a freak. " Come on tell me what's going on, with you, you're starting to worry me now." I said she stopped dancing and came close to me and kissed me on the forehead and went up the stairs. I followed her up their. Her bedroom door was open, so I just went in there and I saw her dancing with a pillow, I thought that their was really something wrong with her, " Ok Just tell me what's going on" I said She looked up at me at least looking like she knew what she was doing, she smiled and told me that it was something really good but she couldn't tell me what it was, I was disappointed because she wasn't sharing her happy mood with me. I smiled and asked if she can at least give me a hint, 

               " She came closer to me and asked me if I wanted to know really badly. I said yes to her but then she said no all childishly  and started running around the room. " Ok fine then if your going to be that way then I wont wash the dishes anymore" I told her trying to find my best excuse. " Ok, Ok if you want to know I'll tell you because you're my best friend but promise me that you wont tell any one at all, not even Nick, and Josh" She said as she stopped running around. " Ok, I Promise" I said, then she came to me and let her little secret out of the bag. " Lucas and I are a thing know" She said, as she covered up her mouth. I didn't know who Lucas was and I had no Idea why she would be keeping this away from me. " Who's that?" I asked, " Lucas is our professor" She said again shocking me with what she had said.

 " WHAT" I said all puzzled, " Seriously are you for real?" I added. she looked at me and said yes with a smile. " Tell me all about it, and how it happened" I said sitting  on her bed.  she came to sit next to me and started talking. " Well, remember that day I came home late," She said  waiting for my answer." " Yea wasn't that when you went out with his brother," " Yea it was, and on that day, me and him kissed". she said. "What for real, how come you never told me" I asked punching her shoulder. " I know it's cause I was nervous". she said with a little frown. " It's ok, well what happened next." I said " And today I got my car back, I went to his place to thank him, but then we kind of got tempted and you know kissed, it was getting hotter and hotter even though we were getting soaked in the rain. I told him we should stop,  I was about to walked to my car but then he grabbed my wrist, and asked me why we shouldn't be together, I gave him my reason, and you already know what it is, how he is my professor and he might get fired from his job, then he told me that he didn't care , he just wanted me to be his." .  she said "Wow, really that's so sweet." I added because it really was. " I'm so happy for you guise". I said and gave her a hug. " Wash up for dinner, I'm starving I said as I walked out.

                          Tiffany's P.O.V

                                                             I was on my bed, ready to sleep, but as soon as I turned of my lights, I got a text on my phone from Lucas.

 LUCAS:  Hey lovely, what are you doing

Me:  nothing I was about to go to bed

LUCAS:  oh did I bother you

ME:  no, not at all, I wasn't even sleepy

LUCAS:  ok, was just wondering

ME: what about you, what are you doing 

LUCAS:  just thinking about you

ME: what? why would you be thinking about me at this late hour

LUCAS: why are you asking me that, have you seen how beautiful you are

ME:  you shouldn't say that

LUCAS:  why? am I making you blush

ME: of course not.

LUCAS: ok I believe you, did you have dinner

ME: yea what about you 

LUCAS:  yea I ate too,

LUCAS: Tiffany love you,

ME:  :)  

LUCAS:  Good night

ME: Good night

           Josh's P.O.V

                                      Kevin and I were walking down the stares to go to class, Kevin wanted to ditch them because we didn't even have that many  we just had one class, that we had a exam on. " come on dude why can't we just ditch today,  Kevin said" No, i don't want to,you know how important it is"  i said as we got in the class. Everybody was sitting far from each other, Tiffany was sitting in front and Ashley was in the back. " Why are you guise late"? Ms. Amber said, luckily it wasn't Professor York, who would always be grumpy. " We're sorry" I said. She said it's ok and handed us the exams.

      By the time it was the end of the class, we were done. We followed Tiffany and Ash to where ever they were going, but then Ash stopped us as tiffany walked into Professor York's class, for some reason. " Why did you stop us" Kevin asked Ashley but Ashley ignored his question. " What do you think your score is for the exam" I asked her. " I don't know I think I did well since yesterday I studied the whole day for it." she said " Oh, what about Tiffany, wasn't she studying with you," Kevin asked her. " No, she didn't study at all, she was out all day after school." she replied " WOW, Tiffany didn't study, that unexpected" I said shocked with her answer because usually Tiffany is the one who is serious about exams.

        " why didn't she study, and why was she out all day" I said. but then she stopped and looked at us, with a smirk. " Why are you guise interested in this" she asked us looking all suspicious for no reason. " because we haven't been around you guise lately, and plus we can't come over anymore, every time we ask, you guise refuse, because of you, you want Tiffany all to yourself" Kevin said while me and him wait for her to say something else, she walks away with a happy face running towards her boyfriend. " she didn't even notice our plead?" Kevin whined giving a puppy face. " You know what, we don't need their permission, lets just go their unexpected" Kevin said with an evil smirk. " I agreed with him as we walked to our car.


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