1- Popular In Life And Death

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"Try this. It's disgusting!" Emily Fields laughed as she reached her arm over to the other couch handed a red Solo cup to one of her best friends, Spencer Hastings. Spencer took a big gulp of the alcoholic drink, nearly gagging from the taste as Aria Montgomery and Hanna Marin laughed at her. When the music came to an abrupt stop and the lights flickered off, the teenagers stopped laughing and looked around at each other.

"Whoa, what happened?" Hanna asked, hugging the popcorn bowl close to her chest.

"It's probably just the storm." Aria said, standing up and picking up a flashlight off the floor. "Somethings out there!" She exclaimed in response to the rustling in the bushes outside of the Hastings barn that the girls were camped out in.

"Guys!" Hanna yelled, hopping up from the chair she was sitting in, all the other girls joining her. They all huddled up together for protection, with Aria shining the flashlight directly at the door. They all gasped, jumping back and nearly knocking each other over, trying to get away from the shadow that was seemingly walking into the barn. They took a couple of slow steps forward, still attached to each other, but all they could were the fall leaves outside that were blowing in the wind. They all screamed and fell over in both shock and fear as Alison D'ilauentis, the fifth member of their group, jumped through the door laughing. She was dressed in a bright yellow, frilly tank top and skinny jeans, her blond, perfectly curled hair bounced as she giggled at their fear.

"That is so not funny, Alison!" Hanna yelled, laughing along with her.

"I thought it was hilarious, girl, girls." Alison giggled as she untwisted the lid to her lipgloss.

"Ali, did you download the new Beyoncé?" Hanna asked her eagerly, as she had been waiting to get her friend's opinion on the new song all day.

"Not yet." Alison responded, still on a high from her recent prank.

"I'm loving her new video." Emily chimed in.

"Maybe a little too much, Em." Alison commented, changing the tone of the conversation. All the girls, confused by the comment, giggled together to lighten the room back up.

"You're turn, Aria. Go on." Alison handed Aria the plastic cup that was being passed around to all the girls. Aria began to chug the beverage, her throat burning with every gulp.

"Woah, careful Aria. Drink too much, and you might tell us all your secrets." Spencer laughed as she picked at the red nail polish on her fingers.

"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close." Alison repeated the phrase that they had heard her say many times. "Drink up."

Aria followed her instruction, taking another sip of the cup that was still in her hand


A couple of hours later, Aria lifted her head from the pillow that she was sleeping on in the middle of the barn floor. She sat up, glancing around the room and noticing that there were only two other girls there instead of four. She reached up to the couch, tapping Emily's leggings with her black nails until she woke up.

"What?" Emily asked groggily, her actions waking up Hanna, who was asleep on the other end of the couch.

"Where's Ali and Spencer?" Hanna asked, slowly sitting up.

"I don't know." Aria shook her head, her voice shaky.

"Maybe they just went inside for a snack or something." Emily reasoned, trying to keep herself and her friends from panicking.

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