Poisoned Chocolate

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(Third Person POV)

The old man is at the cash register, which is being worked by Abacus.

"So, mushrooms and pears, assorted flowers. . ." he says while totting up the bill. "That comes to eighty-nine sovereigns."

"A bargain at half the price," the old man responds while giving him a hundred sovereigns.

(Y/n) and Noodle feel their jaws drop when they see this.

     "Thank you, sir. And how would you like your change? Spendable or edible?" Abacus asks.

     "Ooh, edible please!" the old man replies.

     Abacus presses a button on a candy dispenser containing chocolate coins, and the old man uses his hat to catch his chocolatey change.

     "And don't forget to eat your basket," Abacus tells him as the old man takes his basket, which is apparently made of chocolate.

(Y/n) and Noodle walk up to Abacus.

"Abacus, that man just gave us a hundred sovereigns!" Noodle whispers excitedly.

"I know, Noodle!" he whispers back happily.

"Oh, you guys, soon we won't be living in that wretched place any longer! We'll be free!" (Y/n) tells them, hardly able to contain the excitement bubbling inside her.

     Boy, was she wrong. The old man starts to head out with his basket of goodies, but then he stops when he sees his reflection in the door.

     "Uh. . . Mr. Wonka?" he calls out.

     "Yes?" Willy responds.

     He turns to look at the old man, but he is horrified to see that the old man is sprouting blue hair.

     "What's going on here?" he asks.

Willy walks up to the old man.

"Oh, my goodness. That's impossible! Unless. . ." Willy takes a bite of one of the chocolate flowers the old man bought, focusing on the taste. "Yeti sweat?!"

"Yeti sweat?!" the old man repeats, his blue hair still growing.

"The most powerful hair potion in the world. But I didn't put it in there. . ." Willy explains.

(Willy's POV)

"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please! There appears to be a manufacturing error! Nobody eat the flowers!" I address the crowd, feeling panicked.

     But it's too late. Most of the customers are already sprouting colorful hair.

     "Uh, why not?" a woman sprouting green hair asks.

"What's wrong with them?" a man sprouting orange hair asks.

     "What's the matter with this toadstool?!" a duchess shouts, her black hair turning red as she does. "My daughter took one bite and just look at her!"

Her daughter is indeed growing an orange mustache!

"There's nothing wrong with the chocolate milk, is there?" a man asks, his hair turning spiky as his skin turns green.

I don't understand. Who could've done this?! I suddenly get an idea on who might be responsible.

"I'm terribly sorry, everyone! I don't know how to explain this, but. . . it appears that the chocolates have been poisoned!" I announce.

"Poisoned?!" the orange-haired man cries out.

"Poisoned?!" the green-skinned man cries out.

"He poisoned my child!" the duchess shouts.

"I didn't poison them!" I defend.

"I want my money back!" the old man, whose blue hair has grown very, very long by now, says.

"I want compensation!" the orange-haired man says.

"I want revenge!" the green-skinned man says, and he throws a chocolate pear at me, but I dodge it.

(Third Person POV)

     All of the customers start throwing pieces of chocolate at Willy, and they even start destroying everything in the shop! The duchess even starts cutting the rope holding up the chandelier!

     "This is what you get for 'moustache-ing' my daughter!" she hisses.

     She cuts through the rope, and the oil chandelier comes crashing down onto the floor, exploding into flames! Slugworth is in his office, watching with delight as the flames consume Willy's shop while the screaming customers run out.

     "That, I believe, is the end of Willy's Chocolate Shop," he says with a cruel smile.

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