Fourteen x Fifteen (angst/fluff)

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some quick lil notes here there's some gore so I'll mark where that's at but throughout the story there are mentions of blood and violence so please please be warned if this triggers you 

uhh also I use pronouns really interchangeably for these number guys sorry if it's confusing

this is hurt/some comfort (I say some because y'know. Fifteen is Fifteen.)

oh yeah there's also some heavily implied EighTen but guys I swear it goes back to Fourteen I just couldn't resist making it so tragic and heart wrenching about what happened in the 2mil sub video so sorry sorry sorry sorryyyyyyyy- 


The air is filled with bitter cold, it's dark, and the pangs of hunger and injury unfortunately conquer all rational thought in a situation like this.

The pressured silence feels like enough to shatter bone, the eerie whistling of the frigid wind replacing what should be sounds of wildlife thriving quietly in the dark.

Fourteen shivers, wishing his senses weren't so alert to the desolate landscape engulfing him. It doesn't help that his abdominal region is tight with hunger pangs strong enough to cripple a man, not having eaten for days. He clutches at his arm, feeling the warm essence of his life dripping down his skin, staining the snow crimson at his feet as he looks up at the murky, dark skies.

Flakes of snow land with a gentleness that could be mistaken for the soft brushes of feathers, melting and leaving cold droplets of melty water on the Algebralien's face. He looks behind him, to the left, and to the right, trying to track back and remember how he even got so lost in the first place.

~earlier that week~


"So they hid it away, never to be seen again by numerical eyes."

"Some say that it's still out there, hidden away-"

"I have to go to the bathroom."

"Grrh, shut up!"

Fourteen stands up in his cooped up jail cell, hucking the book between the bars at Two, who sits in the grass just in front of it. He misses, thankfully.

"Well you seem nice. How did you get locked up?" They ask, looking up at the dual-digiter with a seemingly unfazed expression.

"Hmm..." Fourteen thinks for a moment, quickly coming up with a plan. He tries not to smile or allude to it in any way, instead seeming more angry on the outside than anything else. "Because all the other numbers hate freedom!" He exclaims, frustratedly folding his arms over (supposedly) his chest, frowning for the bit.

"Well, that's probably a completely unbiased and accurate assessment! Let's get you out of there!" Two exclaims in their usual chipper manner, quickly bending the bars with their powers.

"Wow, you're a true role model, Two! Now let's go find that division symbol!" He exclaims, already nearly shaking with excitement at how well his plan is going already, and he laughs internally at Two's naivete.

"Oh, don't worry! That thing you've apparently been looking for for years on end? I found it instantly!" Two exclaims, one of their malleable, stretchy limbs reaching off somewhere into the distance as they speak. Shortly, their hand is retrieved, the ancient stone artifact thrumming with a mysterious power in their hands. "I'm super powerful, remember?"

Fourteen's eyes marvel over the relic for but a moment, resisting the urge to snatch it from them immediately. He shakes his head, acting disinterested for the sake of his plans. "Oh. Uh, cool, put it between us then!"

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