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Tw! Sh!!
Tyler's POV

I woke up around- well we still don't know what time it is. When I woke up Aiden wasn't next to me or on the bed, I sat up and looked around he was no where to be seen, I got up and went to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Aiden?" I asked hoping he was in there. "I'm in here" he said, thank god he's ok. I went back to the bed and laid down in the bed, a couple of minutes go by, Aiden still hasn't come out.

"Aiden you ok?" I ask, "um yeah I'm fine!" He exclaimed. I could tell in his voice he was not ok. "Aiden I'm coming in" I said getting up from the bed and walking over to the door.

"NO I'm fine just stay out there!!" He exclaims again. I open the door to find Aiden, he's on the floor he wasn't smiling but the second I walked in he gave me a reinsuring smile.

"Aiden...What are you-" before I could question I realized what he had done, a slightly bloody knife next to him and his arms had cuts.

"Aiden...." I said, he looked at me then eminently looked somewhere else, "Sorry, I shouldn't have- I'm sorry" he says grabbing bandages from under the sink.

I got down next to him and took the bandages from his hands and placed them down next to me, he was still looking away from me, I lightly took his face into my hands, "Aiden look at me" I said.

His eyes slowly look towards me, they had tears forming, with small swipes I cleared them, "It's okay" I said giving him a smile. His entire face is no longer tease, more tears form in his eyes, and a small smile appears on his face.

It's nothing like his other smiles, he looks happy but sad, strong but weak. "Thank you" he says picking the bandages up again.

"I'll do it" I said talking the bandages from him again. "Hold your arm out" I said, and he did, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven- I counted the scars, I'm sorry Aiden I'm sorry I didn't help you.

I cleaned and sanitized the cuts and started to bandage them, every now and then Aiden would flinch, "alright other arm" I said gently letting for of his right arm, as he handed me his left I felt so bad, I could now see all the old scars and the new ones on top.

I clean and sanitize them again and wrap them, when I'm done Aidens looking away, "Aiden?" I say, he looks back at me, there awkward silence before he speaks.

"Im sorry" he apologized, the one who was sitting there with cuts on his writs was apologizing to me, I pulled Aiden into a hug. "You don't need to be sorry" I said hugging him tightly.

I can feel him hesitating before he hugs me back, he quickly melted into the hug as I felt him slightly crying into my shoulder. I held him tightly I felt like I was never going to let go.

But shortly after he pulled back and looked at me. For the first time his smile wasn't there, I bring my hands to his cheeks and wipe away the tears that were on his cheeks.

~•Time Skip•~ around eight hours later

We haven't said a thing to each other seance I found him, Aiden's smile came back as soon as we left as if nothing happened. Something must of happened for him to be acting like this

Did he do this because I told him about Ashlyn? I look up and he's just looking at the celling "Aiden" I say getting his attention, "yeah?"

"Hey um just before I go to bed I love you so please don't hurt yourself" I said, he looked like he was taken back, then he nods.

Aiden's POV

Tyler said he loved me? Did he mean it like that or just like a casual I love you like how boys tell their friends they love each other was it that?

No Tyler's not gay he doesn't like me like that. Ugh I'm so stupid. "Aiden did you wanna sleep up here again?" Tyler said moving over again revealing a spot next to him.

"Sure" I said walking over and laying down next to him, we both faced opposite ways like last night. I stared at the wall thinking about everything that had happened.

I was in English class then I was in the hallway, then Ben... no we're not gonna think about that.

Tyler saved me, he brought me here and he took care of me, he banded my ankle and he made me feel like it would be ok.

But then it hit me "Tyler?" I said hoping he was still awake, "yeah?" He says sounding half asleep. "Did you have a girlfriend?" I ask, we never talked about him we got distracted on Ashlyn.

"No I had a boyfriend" he said still sounding half asleep. Wait what? "You had a boyfriend?" I ask almost now believing it.

"Yeah his name was Logan" Tyler says yawning in the middle of the sentence. "So are you like- gay or -" I said "yeah I'm gay" I don't think Tyler was fully awake cause he's just answering everything very quickly to try to go back to sleep.

"Tyler?" I asked, he doesn't respond I assume he went to sleep, I don't know why but I say something stupid "I like you Tyler"

Did I like him as a friend or more? I mean he makes me feel... he makes me feel how Ashlyn made me feel, fuck I'm screwed.

I close my eyes and I slowly drift off to sleep.

A few hours later.

I slightly open my eyes, it was dark and Tyler was still asleep, I was about to get up to use the bathroom but I felt something around my waist, I look down and I see Tyler's arm wrapped tightly around my waist, I realize then his body was pushed up against mine.

I feel my face go red hot, oh god.
A/N I'm sorry it took so long to post but I've been busy! I have some good news though, I got onto my schools hope squad!! So next school year I might be a bit busy but I'll still post! Also summer break is coming soon so you'll get a lot more updates!

Also June 17th the first ever chapter of But we're supposed to hate each other will be coming out so go follow NOTUNOBUTDOS

Trapped together (Aiden clarck X Tyler Hernandez SBG)Where stories live. Discover now