[ Chapter 4 ]

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Ritz led the way to his apartment, opening the door for his new roommate.

["I got you some stuff before going to get you. It's in the bathroom in the cupboard with your name on it..."] Ritz hummed, sitting in a chair at his kitchen table, leaning down to untie his shoes.

{"Oh! How thoughtful of you!...thank you Ritz. You...don't mind if I get in the shower now?- The water at the prison was always to cold for me."} Ven asked, looking over at Ritz, watching as he took off his sneakers.

["Oh no problem-...you want me to help you turn it on or?"]

{"Ah...yes please- I don't wanna break anything..."} Ven mumbled, taking off his own boots, setting them next to Ritz's shoes.

["You wouldn't break anything- and if you did I wouldn't be mad, it would be an accident-"] Ritz hummed, leading the way.

{"I guess..."}

Ritz glanced over his shoulder at Veneer, watching his blue eyes examine his apartment. A few times his gaze lingered on pictures Ritz had on his wall of him and his little sister.

["Come on Ven, a shower will make you feel better...promise!"] Ritz smiled, taking Veneer's hand, leading him away from the pictures...he should take those down for a while...

Ritz led Veneer to a door at the end of the hall, opening the door. He leaned down to turn the shower on for Ven.

["How warm do you want it V-"] Ritz paused mid sentence. What he saw made his heart physically ache.

Veneer stood shirtless, bruises and slightly healed cuts covered his arms and parts of his torso. He winced as he moved his bruised arms. Ritz quickly reached over, carefully taking Veneer's shirt from him as he examined the wounds.

{"Ha...just a few little souvenirs is all. My cellmate wanted to give me a memorial goodbye..."} Ven mumbled, resting a hand on Ritz's shoulder, trying not to look at his own body.

["...You'll have to let me treat these when you get out...ok? They shouldn't have even left you like this themselves! That cut on your arm looks deep-"] Ritz worried, taking Ven's arm carefully.

{"I...Alright."} Ven sighed, hugging Ritz carefully. Ritz couldn't help but sigh, hugging the other back.

["Call me if you need anything...ok?"] He said, rubbing Ven's back softly.


Ritz finally let him go, leaving the room to give Ven his privacy. He shuffled down the hallway, taking down the pictures of him and his family, stacking them on a table in his livingroom.

He sat on the couch, holding his face in his hands, listening to the sounds around him. The sound of faint music outside, the rush of water from the bathroom...and Veneer's humming.

A warm feeling filled Ritz's chest. He had his best friend back...even if it was a bit awkward...and overwhelming. He was very happy to have him back.

Since the day they had met, Ritz couldn't help be feel comfortable around Veneer. That day in the salon, when they laughed and talked about different types of hair styles they liked. Their friendship just clicked. They exchanged numbers and had been talking since.

Over the two years they had been friends, they spent a fair amount of time together. Hanging out in this exact apartment, talking about their futures, hobbies and other interests. Veneer's intrest in cosmetology was the most fascinating thing to Ritz.

Veneer would be an amazing cosmetologist. He told Ritz about how that was one of his underlying dreams, but of course...Velvet's overshadowed that and he was dragged into a popstar life that led him into a world of problems.

He was by no means innocent, Ritz knew that well. But it still just didn't feel fair to him that Veneer had to suffer any of what Velvet had conditioned him into...call it what you want, but Ritz wasn't a fan of Velvet.

Ritz was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed Veneer walk into the livingroom. A towel wrapped around his waist.

{"Are you ok? You seem...upset"} Veneer suddenly spoke, snapping Ritz out of his thoughts. His cheeks growing warm as he stared at Ven. {"Um...Ritz?"}

["OH!- ah, yeah- I'm good!-...Let me go get the first aid kit-"] Ritz sputtered, quickly standing and walking off down the hall back into the bathroom. He looked under the cupboards, pulling out a white case with a red cross on it.

He hurried back to the livingroom, his face warming up again when he saw Ven sitting on the couch. His wet hair draped over the side of his face, dripping onto the towel.

Veneer sat looking at his hands, his eyes trying to avoid his body. Ritz sat down next to him, taking what he needed from the kit out, placing them on the table next to the couch.

["Here...this will sting a bit..."] Ritz sighed, applying an antibiotic to the cuts on Ven's arms.

Veneer winced slightly, hissing in pain.
Ritz gently held his arm as he began wrapping the wounds. Veneer reached up, taking the hand that held his arm.

{"that hurts Ritz!-...ow!-.."} Veneer yelped, squeezing Ritz's free hand. The other shifting their positions so he could have better access to the other wounds.

["I know...I'm trying to be quick I promise..."] Ritz hummed, turning Veneer so that he could wrap up his chest.

A few minutes of wrapping, shifting and soothing, Veneer was taken care of. The green haired Rageon slowly swept his hair back out of his face.

["I got you some knew clothes too. They are in my room-..or yours- if you'd prefer to sleep in an actual bed. I'll take the couch-"] Ritz rambled, Veneer looking up at him.

{"I...forgot you didn't have another bedroom...I don't want to take your bed-"}

["Its ok- let me go get your-"]

{"we could share..."}

Veneer uttered the suggestion so quietly, like he was worried it would upset Ritz to even consider it. He turned to Ven, smiling slightly as he took the other's hand, leading Ven to his room.

["That sounds like a good idea..."]

>Word Count: 1,035<

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