[ Chapter 11 ]

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Ritz sat back in his chair, chewing on the straw of his drink as he listend to Orchid ramble on about a carnival she wanted to to go. She was just trying to convince him to tag along.

♡" I just know it will be awsome! We could totally get our faces painted and get those obnoxiously large stuffed animals!"♡ Orchid cheered, smiling over at him.

She was like a sister to Ritz. They had grown up in the same neighborhood only a few houses down from each other and had played together almost everyday. She was actually the one who had gotten him the beanie he always wore.

["Yeaaah, but-"] He started, setting his drink down.

♡"Oh come on Ritz! You work too much you know. You need to have some fun!"♡ Orchid interrupted him, glaring and crossing her arms.

["I do not! Besides, I actually LIKE my job...unlike someone- Hey!-"] Ritz yelped, laughing as he was pelted with a few of Orchid's french fries.

*Vrrr* *Vrrr*

He paused, his phone vibrating repeatedly.

♡"Ooooo! Is it who I think it is?~"♡ Orchid teased, leaning over the table with a sly smirk.

Ritz looked down at the caller ID, sure enough, it was Ven.

["Yeah, be quiet- don't do anything weird"] He snorted, pushing her face back as he answered. ["Hey V-"]

{"RITZ! Please come get me!- please-"} Ven cried from the other end, his voice was straining like it hurt him to talk

["Woah!- What happened? Are you ok? Where are you?"] He questioned, standing quickly. Orchid's expression changing as she picked up on Ritz's worry.

♡"Is he ok?-"♡

["I'll been there soon Ven, just try and calm down- Sorry sis, I have to go-"] He rushed off, still trying to calm Ven down. Orchid calling after him.



Ritz pulled up in front of the mall entrance, looking for Veneer. He saw the other male sitting against the wall hugging his knees.

Ritz quickly put the car in park and lept out.

["Ven!? Are you ok? You're not hurt are you? Ven, talk to me!"] He urged, dropping into a kneel as he looked Veneer over.

The other looked up at Ritz, fresh tears being to fall as he pulled himself closer. Ritz helped him up, cupping his face in his hands.

["Let's get you home and cleaned up...what's the sticky stuff all over you?..."] He questioned, helping Veneer over to the passenger side. Opening the door for him.

{"I-...I'm not sure-... I just- it happened so fast-..."} Ven sobbed, shakily sitting. He pulled his knees into a hug once more, continuing to cry.

Ritz closed the car door, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. Everything seemed to be going so well! What happened?...

Walking quickly over to the driver's side, he got in and started to drive off, taking notice of a group of three standing outside. Watching them drive off...


Ritz carried Veneer into the house, going straight to the bathroom. He gently put the upset male on the counter, resting his hands on either side of Veneer.

["You gotta tell me what happened Ven. I'm not going to press for it right now, but I do want to know as soon as possible..."] Ritz hummed, leaning in and resting his head on Veneer's chest momentarily.

{"M...mhm... "}

["I'll go get you some clothes, you know how to start the shower?"]


Ritz patted Ven's knee before leaving, hurry off to the bedroom to grab some clean clothes. He grabbed one of his older hoodies and a pair of black shorts.

The hoodie had become too small for him but was still one of his favorites. A black hoodie with a white fluffy inside; perfect for sleeping in if you asked him.

He walked quickly back to the bathroom, knocking.

["Got your clothes Ven..."]

A pale hand open and reached around the door. He gave Ven the hoodie and shorts, watching as the hand vanished behind the door again.

["...Take all the time you need Ven...I'll be in the bedroom if you need me"]

>Word Count: 687<

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