Group Chat Number 1

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Sun!! Added murcury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Venus: The fuck is this?
Sun: this is a group chat :)
Mars: and why did you make it???
Sun:so we can talk without leaving our orbits! :)
Uranus: Uhm.. Im just going to go change my user.
Uranus changed their user to Ura.
Venus:Why are you here.
Earth: Bitch? This is luna?
Venus:who tf is luna?
Earth: Moon. Its me. Moon.
Venus:oh. Mk
Jupiter:uhm have yall seen my moons? I can't find them..
Earth: oh that. Their planing to destroy the earth...
Jupiter:What did you say!?..
Earth:yeahh you heard me... Anyway.. Have yall seen earth?.. He's not in his orbit and im worried...
Ura:No sorry he might be in the astroid belt?
Earth:I'll go check.

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