Chapter 2

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Aka "chapter 1" is really long

Tord nodded his head and listened to whatever Tom had to say. He already knew some of this so it wasn't a big surprise to him. "Right, no wonder it didn't work. Matt was self-absorbed and you expect him not to be?" He answers, proceeding to walk at a steady pace. At least he knows that he can get any information out of him by simply offering him a drink. "Who broke up with who?" He asks while glancing over at Tom, watching him barely keep his composure.

Matt straightened his posture and leaned back. "Then why is he avoiding me? He's out there with Tod, which I know he hates but he'd rather be with him?" He complains, letting out a sigh between speeches, "What else does he want out of me? I already feel guilty and ashamed but regardless I refuse to talk to him unless he's aware of his actions!" He didn't necessarily want to fix this said problem but to hear Tom say that he was sorry and sober while doing so.

Tom shrugged "He wasn't always that self-absorbed, there was a small point where he wasn't, it was around when I was trying to get sober like- the second time. Anyways, uh, I broke up with him." He said, looking down at the ground and kicking rocks he'd see. He never meant to explode on him, but he did and there is nothing he can do to take it back. They were confused but honestly, he didn't care, Tord was here and it was, comforting? In a way, so everything worked out, at least for the night.

Edd looked up at him and fidgeted with his hoodie sleeves, it was something he did when he got anxious over a situation that he didn't know he could help. "I know Tord was probably curious of the breakup, so they could be talking about it, kind of like how you talk to me about it. For right now, Tord is like me to Tom. He could be talking out the situation with an outside source, he probably isn't avoiding you." He suggested and looked around the room with his eyes only, not moving his head.

Tord shakes his head, understanding how relationships work. He had a few when he was gone but most didn't last for that long, maybe a week, a month if he was lucky. "Makes sense, I suppose." He felt like Tom was hiding from some details but what did he know? He was pleasantly shocked to see that there was an unlit cigar in his hoodie pocket. Unfortunately, he didn't bring a lighter with him. "You getting sober? Those aren't words I hear often..but uh, do you perhaps have a lighter on hand?" He asks, hoping for a yes. He would offer one to Tom but he only had one.

Matt's head was running wild and not for the reasons they hoped it would. He kept moving his body as if he didn't know what to do with themself, now sitting up with his posture straightened. He was saddened to think that he used to be the one Tom would talk to, sober or drunk. He was aware that he wasn't all that bright and didn't notice whenever Tom was feeling awful. He also didn't completely blame himself as Tom could have communicated instead of drinking it off. "Why would be interested in the breakup? Isn't that out of character for him, I don't believe you." He argued, not wanting to admit that Tord and Tom could potentially have a good relationship.

Tom flipped him off with a slight grin "I tried to get sober, jackass. Anyways, I might-" He checked his pockets, he didn't find a light but he had a small blowtorch. Probably about as big as his hand. "I have this." He said as he pulled it out. "I had a lot of stoner friends after I left- kinda just keep it on hand if you wanna use it." He held it out slightly. "Hey, remember when we were younger, how I always used to carry a lighter in case you forgot yours? Do i need to start doing that again?" He joked lightly, he knew about Tord having a nicotine addiction, but he didn't mind it, not saying he enabled it either. "But yes, I did try to get sober, a few times actually, obviously it didn't really work out but-" He shrugged

Edd looked up at him and stood up "Tord doesn't like being left in the dark. He could probably care less honestly, but he probably wanted to know more than what I told him- so he went to the source." Edd shrugged and grabbed a can of cola from his desk. He knew Matt had a hard time dealing with this so he was hoping he could talk Matt down. His head was racing. Was letting Tom move back in a smart idea? Should he mention something to Tom or to Tord? He didn't know, but he knew that he had to stay strong for Matt right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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