A/N: This week, you're making a good plan.
On Monday, January 22, the moon in Gemini and your house of money opposes Venus in Sagittarius. Today, you could vow to stop impulse spending. Taurus, you might feel your bank account is a little sparse. Unfortunately, your desire to buy things is strong. You might need to shop your own closet or see if you can trade items with a family member. Today, consider only purchasing things that really add something to your life.
Venus enters Capricorn and makes a semisextile with Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, January 23. There's a lot riding on whatever you're doing today, so recognize that you either won't tolerate any flaws or you need to present something that's as close to perfect as you can make it. Today is all about checking and double-checking. Check your spelling and grammar. Check to make sure that all the boxes that need to be checked are checked. This is what will ensure your success.
YooA humphede as she sat down at the sofa.
"What's wrong?" Woosung asked.
"It's just been a long and tiring day...... I mean, I can't even describe the feeling." She sighed.
"That bad, huh?" He asked.
"Totally. God." She sighed, rubbing her temples, "I seriously don't know what to do."
"I know. Tomnorrow's April fools day......" He started to have an idea.
"Yeah?" She followed along.
"How do you feel getting some sweet revenge with some pranks?" He asked.
"Who are we pranking?" She asked.
"Your members." He answered.
"Oh, this is going to be good. Better get your pranking mitts on because we're going to make some serious crimes like there's no tomorrow." She replied.
Tomorrow is offically April fool's day and they have decided they'll prank Hyojung frist and the best for last for Mimi.
YooA folded the playdoh to look like the exact same starbust candy and she wrapped it.
"Okay, it's already." She smiled.
Woosung sat next to Hyojung and she spotted some starbust candy.
"Ooh! Starbusts! Can I have some?" She asked.
"Sure!" He handed her a candy.
She took the fake candy and then spat it out.
"What----?" She asked, "What the heck?"
"Hahahaha, pranked you!" He replied.
The next one is Binnie and Woosung is busy pouring the soy sauce into the bottle.
"This next prank is effortless!" She replied.
"I know!" He said, screwing the top back on.
"Binnie, would you like to have something to drink? You look really dehydrated." He handed her a bottle.
"Yes, please." Binnie grabbed the bottle.
They both took a swig at the coke and Binnie spat it out into the sink.
"What? Is the coke passed its expiration date or something?" He asked.
Squirrel girls!
ФанфикFur? Check! Ears? Check! Good attuitude? Check! High-sprirts? Check! These cute girls are ready to dominate your hearts with cuteness and incredible singing abilities!!!! UWU UWU UWU!!!!!!!