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This story takes place in 2006

Reminder this means no iPhones, GPS, Ubers, etc. so I don't want any comments like "well why didn't they just-" you now know why.

(Also Before the KFC breakup)


6:40 am

Your alarm clock went off 10 minutes ago but it's just too damn early.

You wrapped yourself up tightly in your blankets one last time before letting out a sigh and getting out of bed.

The wood floors were cold beneath your feet so you did a sort of skip thing to the bathroom where you freshened up before getting dressed.

You switched the Tv onto the weather channel as you made breakfast and were pleased to hear the rainy season was starting to come to an end.

Grabbing your school bag you finally left towards the train station.

To your surprise the station was closed you looked around joined by a crowd of people all asking questions.

The police officer apologized for the inconvenience and said there was an accident. He didn't give any more information beyond that.

A wave of groans were heard as people began to race to the next closest station others making calls about running late.

Being new to Tokyo you didn't actually know how to walk to the next station so you headed towards the information desk for assistance.

The line was massive as it appeared you weren't the only one used to one commute.

Just then you saw a boy walk right past the station completely unbothered by it's closing.

He had long dark hair tied into a bun and a familiar uniform.

It didn't match the one from your school but you could have sworn you've seen it before.

He began to walk further away when it hit you that you have seen him before!

You take the same route every morning for the first few stops but you always got off before him.

Realizing this you decide to follow him suspecting he is simply headed to the next station over.

After about 20 minutes of walking you realize you're not heading in any particular direction at all.

He's made several circles could it be that he's lost too?

You try to walk a bit faster to ask him just to make sure but he speeds up as well.

"Is he late? Why did he start walking so fast?" You asked yourself

You kept following him walking faster and faster until finally coming to a stop.

"I don't wanna chase the poor guy" you sighed as he stopped as well.

He turned and you looked up to try and catch his glance but he just started walking again as normal.

So much for that.

You turned around to start heading back when you came face to face with a strange creature.

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