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Jay pulled up to Beys house to take Nicki to the studio he watched as Bey and Nicki shared good byes and kissed before she went off to grind

He beeped the horn, because the pair was causing him to hold up traffic being all booed up.

"I love black love but we got shit to do... come on B." Jay said yelling out the window.

"Shut up before Nicki don't go nowhere." Beyoncé fussed back.

Jay rolled his eyes at his ex wife being possessive over her. A emotion that he knew oh so well from her.

Nicki came down the driveway in her Prada sneakers, a pair of sweats and a crop top. Her 30 inch jet black buss down cascaded down her back and stopped at her butt. She looked like the boss she was.

"Hey Shawn." Nicki said with a smile "Beyoncé said she trusts you to take good care of me and keep me
Out of trouble."

Jay laughed and glanced at Bey who was standing at the door way. "Yeah... shawty I'll make sure you're straight. I can tell she really cares about you... you're like family to me."

Nicki smiled at his remark letting it sink in... "what do you mean you can tell she cares?"

Jay sighed as he pulled off, his face full of nostalgia and longing. "I haven't seen her look at anyone like that since she dated me. And on the real I'm glad you're making her happy. She deserves that. I put B through a lot of shit. But seeing her with you, it's like she's finally found someone who truly understands and cherishes her. I may not be with her anymore, but I still care about her happiness. And if being with you brings her that, then I'm all for it."

Nicki felt a pang of guilt hearing Jay's words. She knew that her relationship with Beyoncé had caused some tension between the former couple, but she never wanted to come between them.

"I hope you know that I would never intentionally hurt Bey," Nicki said sincerely. "I love her with all my heart, and I'll do anything to make her happy. If there's ever anything I can do to make things easier for you, just let me know."

Jay smiled appreciatively at Nicki. "I can see how much you care for her. And I believe you when you say you would never hurt her. Just promise me that you'll take care of her, protect her."

Nicki nodded, her voice filled with determination. "I promise, Jay. I'll always be there for her, no matter what. She means everything to me."

As Jay continued driving, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions: sadness, nostalgia, and a spark of hope. Seeing how happy Beyoncé was with Nicki made him realize that maybe it was time for him to move on too, find his own happiness.

"You know I met someone... we've been kicking it for a month." Jay added.

"Oh yeah?" Nicki said trying to act clueless as if Blue didn't run her mouth already.

Jay nodded his head. "Her names Rayna...she's funny, beautiful and very hard working."

"That's beautiful do you have a picture of her?"

He opened his phone showing the girls social media page. Nicki smiled as she swiped through the carousel looking at the beautiful woman.

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