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I can't believe I'm waiting  for his text , I now can feel the people who have dated me. I never replied to their text or even bothered to call them back I thought it doesn't matter as it was not serious for me at least

"You are no fun, stop looking at your phone" Tay groaned
I just shrugged and Tay pulled my phone away and now kept his in his pocket I tried to get it back but I know it would be no use cause once Tay becomes stubborn he cannot be controlled

"Just give me my phone back when it vibrates " I said now drinking my beer
Tay shrugged and now Ismael had bought some girls over to our table, there were four girls and us three
Those girls all looked nice they had a lean figure and one girl was interested in me I think her name was Avery, she was sitting next me one of her friend went home soon so now there were three of us
We had few drinks I just enjoyed Tay's lame joke and his attempt to flirt with the girl but it was not going good the girl sitting next to Ismael was like an instagram sike
she took many pictures of us telling that she would tag us and now we could be friends in instagram and what not I had too many drinks to listen to her or the other girl sitting next to me

My mind was still thinking about him, how he looked in the black shirt he looked like he was some gangster, some hot gangster I would have get scared before but now I want him to give all his attention  to me I didn't want him to think about anything else than me, was I weird no no he was making me weird
And at the end Tay's attempt  went to gutter as those girls went home together  and Tay didn't get his chance to get laid so we had a few more drinks and we had decided to crash at Ismael's place as his parents were out of town, we just walked back to his home and having some burgers on the way back when we reached his home we just trashed at his sofa

The next morning I woke up to a headache, I should really cut off drinking but I know if I agreed to hangout with Tay we always end up drinking.
"Morning !" Ismael said as he came down the stairs and from the look of it he just took a shower
"Morning, u scared the shit out of me!! Why do you walk like a cat" I said now putting my bed hair down
" I walk normally, you were the one zoning out "he said "and take a shower you stink " he now pinched his nose sarcastically
"Whatever , just try to wake him up he sleeps like a dead person " I say pointing to Tay as I went up the stairs
"I have placed the clothes on the bed " he said
We had always spare clothes at each other houses when we have an sleepover like yesterday
"Okay , thanks" I said as I was climbing up the stairs
I took a shower fully refreshed as I came down the stairs I could smell the toast Ismael was preparing and it felt good as I sat in the kitchen he gave me the freshly made toast  and now Tay was groaning in his sleep

"What the hell? " he says shifting in his seat as he pulls his phone towards his ear
"You better have a good reason to disturb me this early "he said in a sarcastic tone and I and Ismael just chuckled seeing him
" Ohh,  I'm sorry sir I'll give it to him at once he says"i was genuinely worried who made him scared like that when Tay looked at me and said "It's for you" I now realized who might be on the other side of the call and I just shook my head to a no
"He is not taking it "Tay said now leaning to the phone putting it on loud speaker
"Okay,  but just tell him it will add up to his.... "till then I went and snatched the phone removing it from the loud speaker as I swiftly went outside
"punishment " he said lowly
"OMG !! how can you say it out loud " I say now wisphering
"you were not taking my call"  and I could imagine him shrugging like it was my fault
"okay,  sorry " I continued wisphering  and I don't know why
"Looks like you had a blast yesterday "he said now I knew he was angry
"Why?  I just went to drink with my friends " I said now confused
"Yeah your friends and that girl with the pink skirt was she also your friend
You guys looked close" he said now growling
Ah how I wish he was near me "Who?" I asked
" Playing dumb are we "  he did now amused
" Do you have any classes in the afternoon ??"
And before he could continue
"No I don't have any classes why? " I said
"Let's meet at my home after your school "he said
And I was so happy I guess I shrieked the
"okay!! "
" And be ready"  he said and before I could ask for what he cut the call so I just went in thinking  he was talking to someone else

And as I just entered the kitchen back now Tay was sitting in my seat and both eyes were on me
"So what did he say? "Tay asked
"Ohh nothing much,  he asks did I had a blast yesterday  and I don't know why? "I said now sitting next to Tay
" I guess he saw the post" Ismael said and now Tay and I were looking at him
And he showed us the picture  and in that we three were there with those girls and I didn't realize her hand was on my torso, hell she was all over me in this pic
"Hell, I don't even  remember her name" I said trying to justify  myself
" We know that but he doesn't " Ismael said and I knew I couldn't retaliate  to it
And now I didn't feel like eating  anymore

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