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     Happy Valentine's Day people!!!! I'm celebrating my Valentine's Day alone and sick hope one day I also find a true love or a possessive boyfriend like maxeul😂😂       

Maxeul's  pov

Today was such a great day until it had to go tumbling down,After me completing the substitution for Jake's biology teacher our relationship had become more open ,before he was nervous about the school getting to know but after I completed my substitution our relationship was the same I thought Jake would get bored of me, he was like a ball of joy anyone would be happy  to have him and I can't let him go now I have fallen to deep,I knew my relationship with Jake was too good to be true the  peace and joy I found with him made me feel like a normal person until people try to bring the old me out

"How the fuck did they get to know about him??" I ask now pinching the bridge of my nose

"Sir I guess they were stalking you and your home "Natille replied
Natille was my assistant and she worked for me when I was in the mafia I'm still in it but not so active after my brother took over, he did it because he wanted to find someone, I didn't ask who it was cause him being the leader was a ticket to my freedom. I just had gotten out of it recently till they pull me back again fuck i thought I could have a normal life with Jake where we can grow old together but these shit heads are making it difficult for me

"Fuck!! Keep some guards posted around Jake and don't make it obvious."
I command looking at the pictures I had gotten.
I knew there was someone following me and Jake when we went to my home last week and he was there to spy on us, more like to spy on Jake I saw multiple pictures of Jake and me ,Jake's house and him in school .He looked good and beautiful God I cut believe he like me back!

"Don't we look like a good couple??" I asked Natille who looked at me with a dumbfounded expression
I just chuckled looking at her till she rolled her eyes.
She has been working with for a long time and she is also my friend.There are very few people we can trust in the mafia and she was one of them, the one I trusted

"Okay leave then and let me know if you find anyone near Jake
These people don't know who they are messing with" I grin now looking at her

"Okay sir." she says and walks towards the door and before closing the door  completely she stops mid way
"Yeah you guys look cute but don't scare him away" she comments with a stoic expression which made me laugh more

I should talk to Jake about this problem but I don't want him to worry about it, being with him is so peaceful and he was completely shocked after he knew that I was in the mafia, I still am but after taking my teachers degree I still continued to be in the business cause it was needed . Our family had too many enemies and after my brother took complete control of the gang and became the most powerful I started teaching as substitute-teaher here and there and I had forgot about my dark past until it came haunting back


"Hello baby..." I say now pulling him to a hug and smelling his scent, it was the best smell I had ever smelt it was like my own kind of drug and it made all my stress and anger dispate

"Hello what's with you today??" Jake's questions confused I knew he could see the worry on my face but I didn't want him to be unhappy just because of a few people

"Nothing just missed you my baby"I tell pulling away from our hug

"I missed you too.." he says blushing oh how cute he looked but I shouldn't get distracted I should tell him everything I repeat it to myself but just not today I'll tell it to him tomorrow

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