Chptr 1 : the meeting

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Emily's pov :
It's about 10 pm. Lucy and i were sitting on her couch watching some random romcom we had put on to entertain us. "God she needs to leave him, can't she see how creepy he is!!" I say turning to lucy, she nods and continues whatever she was doing on her phone. I yawn, "pretty tired huh?" lucy says. "yea a little ha" i reply.

I start to drift off towards the end of the movie when a knock on the door jolts me up in a panic. "Em, it's ok. I'm here and you're safe" she says realising that the knock has triggered memories of the day my father died, after we got into the accident i was sent to my aunts while my mum stayed at hospital with dad and when he had passed the hospital sent someone to come get me, i still remember the knock on the door like it was yesterday.

I'm broken out of my thoughts by lucy "i'm gonna go see who it is, ok?" she looks at me. "Yea, yea that's ok, im ok, i just got scared for a moment" i reply. She gets up and walks to the door, she looks through the peephole then smiles, opening the door "phoebe!! hiii" she says to the person outside, i know of phoebe of course but I've somehow never met her. "Come in, emily's here right now, omg you guys can finally meet!!" lucy says excitedly ushering phoebe into the apartment. "H-hi" i squeak out, i'm flustered, my god is she gorgeous, obviously i'd seen pictures online or when lucy showed me but god it didn't compare to her in the flesh. "Hi, I'm Phoebe, it's nice to
meet you...." she trailed off "I know, i mean! God, i mean- im emily" i turn beat red from embarrassment.

Once we had shook hands and made very awkward small talk lucy invited phoebe to stay to watch a movie with us, although i was already quite tired i didn't want to seem impolite so i sat down on the couch and got comfortable. Lucy sat on the other, smaller couch which left phoebe to sit with me and although this couch was bigger it wasn't that big so we had to sit pretty close.

I handed lucy the remote telling her to choose something good. Half way through the movie i could feel my eyelids getting very heavy, i tried blinking it away but that made them heavier, i slowly started to nod off, the last thing i remember is leaning towards phoebe.

When i woke up i was still on the couch i was leaning on phoebe's shoulder and her head was on mine, we were covered in a blanket, the lights were off, the clock on the wall said it was 2:43am and lucy was nowhere to be seen, after a few moments of confusion i realise,
obviously we had fallen asleep here and lucy had gone to sleep. A wave of embarrassment washed over me, god i fell asleep on her. I attempted to slip out from underneath her but as i did she mumbled something incoherently. Shit, i don't want to wake her. I feel my eyes getting heavy again and i slowly drift back to sleep with my head still on her shoulder.

hii, hope u enjoyed so far :)

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