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One time however...Ghost got badly injured. It was the only time Derry have seen Voice get out of the base. He barely got out the nest. And Eagle said Voice didn't get out of base since the war started. And that was a lot of years. It was bad. Derry was forbidden to go too and Eagle took Voice's place at his set up. Voice wasn't stupid enough to let emotions overtake him. He brought a lot of people and he prepared. The whole base shifted their attention to Ghost. He couldn't die. They wouldn't let him die. They needed him. That's what Derry said to herself to calm down. Eagle didn't want to tell her exactly what's going on, but she at least told her he's alive. In the past few months the red side send more and more people to kill Ghost. They trained people specifically to ambush him. They were so very unsuccessful. But they managed to hurt him badly enough to get Voice out.

Derry waited by the door Ghost usually came through. She waited there for hours. Until the door swang open and Voice came through them with all the people. And somewhere in the crowd two guys held Ghost on the stretchers. Even from afar she could tell how bloodied he was. Voice immediately noticed Derry running to them and he stopped her dragging her away. "W-Wait! Is he ok?? I have to see him! Voice! Voice what the fuck!???" But he dragged her more. Not letting her to even look at him. But that was without much success. Derry saw him at least from afar. Ghost was all bloodied. And he had a literal pipe stabbing him while he held that thing still, like it wasn't hurting him at all. But that meant he was awake. "Baby blue please don't make this more difficult. Ghost will be fine he's also still conscious, but I can't let you see him like that ok? Not like that..." He stopped with her far enough while holding her in a hug. The crowd was already out of their site and they left a bloodied trail behind them. It seemed they had to fight their way to him.

They stayed like that for a moment. Both completely silent as tears went along Derry's face. "Was that...a pipe going through him..." She whispered and Voice jolted. "It's ok, h-he's fine. And I'm not saying it just because. Look at me Bluey." He held her face also tears in his eyes, but just a little. And he had a confident look on. "My brother is the strongest person I know. And he's literally awake. If he was that bad at it. He wouldn't be awake right?" Derry nodded once again trusting the Voice completely. After that Eagle came rushing to her husband and started comforting him too. He was confident in Ghost's survival. But he was still his younger brother and he was bound to be worried to death about him. After some comfort from Eagle Voice led her and Derry to the hospital wing. That was the time for Derry to finally get to know what happened. And ooooh boy did she grew hatred towards the red side.

Ghost was just at a random rescue mission. He had a big ass kidnapping with around fifteen blue victims and whole thirdy red kidnappers. But little did he know the blue victims were also reds. And once he started shooting. They did as well. He killed most of the thirdy kidnappers because of his speed and accuracy, but the victims started missing in the big chaos. Despite the fact he was constantly moving they tracked his location mid fight and started attacking him. So at some point he had to switch to close combat. The kidnappers and rest of the kidnapped people immediately went after his location as soon as he stopped shooting, but before this rest reached him he already killed all eleven of the so called kidnapped. Meaning now he had only nine people after his ass. But the group before already tired him and wounded him. But since they forgot who they are dealing with. The hunted became the hunter. He hid way too well and the worst thing the enemy could have done was separate to groups to find him. This way he killed seven. Carefully sneaking behind them or snatching them just behind their teammate. He made them remember why he was so feared. He has wounded badly one of the enemy and let him scream for help until he attracted the others. Ghost took time killing them and he was covered in blood, but the second last person activated a bomb when he was close to Ghost. Ghost immediately realised, but the ceiling still collapsed on him as that was when he got stabbed by the pipe. Without focusing on the wound and the pipe inside the wound Ghost crawled away from the rubble as a last resort. But Ghost being Ghost he was too quick to disappear making sure to leave the bloody trace behind for the enemy to find. And as the last alive from the red's shakily followed the bloodied trace. Ghost got him from behind. He shot him. But he shot him forty five times. The exact number of people he killed in an hour.

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