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For this Games, the Second Rebellion never occurred, neither did the Victor's Purge. Some Games will have one victor, others will have two. This will come in a few days. This series will be called Thirty Eight Years Later. It includes Districts 1-12, as well as 13, 14, 15, and 16 making an occasional appearance.

South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean is now a part of District 10, while Oceania is now a part of District 12. Two victors per Game for 101 to 200, it goes back to one per Game and two per occasional Game for 201 onwards. Families from all over the world were moved into the Districts.

Several double victories occurred for Games 76 to 99, in the Capitol's effort to try out the idea. It was decided to stick with two victors for Games 101 to 200, perhaps with the occasional double victory here and there from 201 onwards, but not every time.

Each Games will focus on two to six tributes for 101 to 200, and the same for 201 onwards. Two to three will win the Games from 101 to 200, and one or two will win from 201 onwards.

Districts 13, 14, 15, and 16 would all be mentored the latest victor from any of those Districts.

The President, Game Makers, Head Peacekeepers, and Interviewers would all last for 25 year terms before retiring, and each would select their replacements. Each District would have a District board, holding twenty upper class District citizens as well as the mayor, and fifteen Capitolites, with thirty six overall. They would also take part for twenty five years, or be replaced when they died.

The Capitol took advantage of the hope in the Districts, creating a religious sector called the Church of Hope. Several were in each District and country, and sometimes controlled the reapings by placing children and family members of rebels or those that stood against the church.

The Church of Hope would also help the poor with their needs. The Church of Hope was not exposed until near the final Games, when the Districts realized what it stood for and stopped following it.

South/Central America and Oceania may be apart it Districts 10 and 12, but still had its own governments for their countries. It was also revealed that the last victor of both genders in each District would perform the reapings.

President of Panem-Zenia Heavensbee

Game Maker-Arachne Monty

Interviewer-Euphemia Demigloss

Head Peacekeeper-Demetria Gilder

Dual Victors of 76 to 99

76-Ennius Dalton and Crochette Sanchez

77-Lavender LeBlanc and Geranio Landry

78-Basalt Raxton and Asha Seetle

79-Maxima Liu and Saracen Becker

80-Finnick Jr Odair and Remedio Burgundy Cartwright

81-Ohmelle Branson and Ava Berrick

82-Linnet Laurier and Marcellus Westinghouse

83-Millet MacDonald and Easter Rollix

84-Estelle van Rusch and Bolton Gutierrez

85-Madison Hawker and Arizona Mendez

86-Rubius Dalton and Chintz Sands

87-Panatena Skillane and Sheaf Javorski

88-Limerick Manx and Devon Jimenez

89-Alisia Heath and Dougal Fraser

90-Neptune Dalton and Rue Mellark

91-Gif Schneider and Victoreen Vattenfall

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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