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Hamsa POV

I am really happy , my smile is never leaving my face and also I am very flushed due to constant teasing from Surya , normally only he is very naughty but after becoming close to him mentally he has become 10x times more naughtier but nevertheless I enjoy every angle of his.

Currently we both are going to mall to watch a movie , he asked me for a date yesterday after our kiss and confession, so I agreed, " surya go slow man , there are many vechiles" I said to him due to his speed, I am afraid if something happens.

" don't worry darling , I will take you safely"he said with a wink from rear view mirror, still I prayed to god to take us safely to the mall, we reached after few minutes, it's a new movie of power star Pawan kalyan as I am a huge of him , my excitement is on vere level, I throughout the movie are popcorn and sipped coka cola, while surya sat sulking , " what happened? Aren't you enjoying?" I asked him , " no " he respond with a sad face , I looked at him confused " aren't you the one to suggest here?" I asked him , " yes but I thought maybe you know I will get a kiss , that's why I booked balcony tickets, I was expecting romance" he uttered shamelessly and I looked around to see if someone listened but thankfully no one did.

I looked at him for few seconds before laughing "Ayyo surya , don't be sad , you can have as many as kisses you want but in your room or in a secluded place , I don't wanna show our affection in public and I am not comfortable in doing this things in public hope you understand and I really feel funny that you expected romance in a theatre out of the whole world , grow up silly , we are adults now" I whispered to him , " Hamsa , I am sorry it's just that it's my teenage dream to kiss my wife in a theatre" he uttered while looking at the screen while the movie started playing and everyone settled to watch 2nd half.

I ignored his comment but I know I can give him but I am afraid if someone sees it , In India doing this things in public is not allowed I mean no body really does this as far as I know, I looked at him to see him concentrating on movie , I nudged him , he smiled in response and I know it's the fake smile.

While an item song was playing everyone was really into song and nobody really paid attention to anything , I looked around to see that our corner seats are dark nobody can really notice what we do, I thought for a while , I went a little closer to him and caught his cheek and turned his lips to my side before capturing his lips , the sucked his lips and gave him time to relish the kiss , it's was a 1 minute kiss , I moved away and saw him looking at me with a smirk , I blinked at him " oh well I wasnt expecting that" he said to himself" he smiled to himself , then later we bit got involved in movie.

The ride to home was the most comforting one , the cold breeze is making my knees weak and his voice is making my insides quiver , I don't know his voice was this manly till yesterday, love makes us realise many things, I sighed to myself.

We reached home to see that auntie is already asleep as it's quite late at night , I drank a glass of water , and was about to enter my room when I heard his voice " waiting for you" , I smiled to myself before entering into my room and changing into my comfy clothes, I slowly walked into his room before entering his room and bolting the door , he sat there reading a book , he is novel reader whereas I am not and he reads fictional books which I wonder what he reads.

He looks at me with those eyes that are making me feel everything, I raised my eyebrows and asked him with my eyebrows , he nodded no and Indicated me to come forward, I went and settled beside him , " did you enjoy?" He questioned, and I nodded " yes very much" I said with a smile , he relaxed before saying "Hamsa I really love seeing you in saree , I want to see you in saree , I mean if your comfortable can you wear those please" he said with those doe eyes , " of course I will surya , tell me which ones should I drape?" I asked him , while his lips spread into a wide smile, " any sarees you like" he said and I nodded before thinking how many sarees I have with me , " I didn't really bring any sarees but I would like to go shopping " I said and he nodded.

Then we both settled on bed hugging each other discussing about random things, " ummm Hamsa" he said and looked at me while I looked at him , he tugged my hair roughly before kissing my neck , my throat released a huge moan without my notice , he sucked my neck non stop while kissing it and giving me hickeys, I made him snuggle more into me , turns out his love language is physical touch and I love it.

Vote and comment guys , I am tired of saying it , next update will be only after 40 votes, it's your wish.

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