1. chap

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I got out of my fathers old black Cadillac.

I look around as everyone's warm breath collided with the cold air it turned into a fog.

Mine.... nope I was internally cold so when my cold breath collided with the cold air, nothing happened.

Walked into my school for years, for the first in years.

Everyone stared.

I hated when they did that.

It made me feel as if I wasn't one of them, I wasn't, but I was.

I went to the office.

I saw the principle

Mrs. Wi- Mrs. Umm what’s her name.

She spotted me and looked over her out of date glasses at me, then recognition spreader over her face.

“Kessica...Kessica Dream”, she asked.

Yep Dream and yes I was hoping this was a dream that I would soon wake from.

“Yes, you remember me”, I said with fake happiness and a fake smile. I  

was good at that, acting like I was happy.

“Oh you remember me, Mrs. Wilson”, she said excited.

“Of course, I just came by since I'm back in town”.

“Oh it's good to see ya, you still look the same, still look young, how old are you now dear”.

Wait what....human years?

“17, my birthdays next week”, I said returning the smile.

“Well happy birthday, since I’m sure I won’t see ya then”, she said looking over her glasses.

“Thank you, I gotta go, have a nice day”, I replied looking at my watch, then proceeding to walking away.

“You too sweetie”.

I walked out into the almost empty hallway; I look to the left before I walked to the door.

I saw someone. Someone familiar


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