Chapter 3

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Rain had never liked it when the family would take him to the vet. The old doctor would poke and prod at him in embarrassing, sometimes painful ways. Then he would talk to the family about him as if Rain wasn't in the room. He had agreed to go to the doctor with P'Phayu but he isn't happy about the prospect.

He is dressed in a pair of his new jeans and t-shirts, not to mention canvas tennis shoes. No designer labels in sight. P'Pai had wanted him to pick more expensive clothes until Rain admitted he associated those kinds of clothes with Stop. He felt more comfortable in these than he ever had in those clothes Stop insisted he wear.

"Ready to go?" P'Phayu asks him. Rain nods although he is just ready to get this over with.

The doctor's office is in the same part of town as P'Pai and Sky had taken him shopping yesterday. It is a small modern looking building. Inside they are shown to a small examining room and a young omega woman comes in.

"Rain, this is doctor Malee, I thought you might be more comfortable with an omega doctor." P'Phayu says.

Doctor? Will these things ever stop shocking him.

"I know, it's surprising that an omega can train as a doctor," Malee says with a smile. "I was one of the lucky ones. My brother was a beta as were my parents and my family secretly sent me to a small boarding school that caters to omegas like me, then later to a private university."

"Rain, first I want to look you over. Take your vitals and draw some blood, will that be okay?" Malee asks.

Rain is taken off guard to be asked. "Yes of course." he says.

"You aren't scared of needles, are you?" She asks.

"No," he says.

"Good boy." She takes his pulse and temperature, then measures his weight and height. Everything she does she tells him what it's for. She gives him a full examination and takes some blood then sends him to the bathroom for a urine sample. Somehow, she never makes him feel awkward or embarrassed about what she does.

After the doctor sends everything to the lab she says, "Rain I need to ask you a series of questions. Some may be embarrassing. Would you like your alpha to stay or leave?"

Rain looks at P'Phayu who smiles at him and says, "It's up to you."

"Then will you stay?" Rain asks. The questions may be embarrassing but Rain takes comfort from the alpha being there.

"Of course." P'Phayu says.

Doctor Malee asks about the suppressants the family had him on and how they made him feel.

"Have you ever gone into heat?" She asks.

Rain shakes his head, "I was put on suppressants before I hit puberty, and I never had a heat."

"Suppressants that are that strong aren't good for you. You said they make you nauseous?" Malee says.

"Yes and dizzy sometimes." Rain says.

She nods as if that doesn't surprise her. "I would like to slowly wean you off of them by subscribing you a slightly smaller dose eventually to zero suppressants. There are safe suppressants that reduce the effects of heat, but I would like you to experience natural heats. I have to warn you though, it will be like going through a late puberty. Your first few heats will be extremely strong and painful."

"Is there another way?" P'Phayu asks.

"We could try keeping Rain on a milder suppressant, but I don't think it will be good for him." Malee says. "Especially if he ever wants to try to get pregnant."

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