Chapter 5

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"I never saw such a funny, old-fashioned child, sister," she said. "She has locked herself in, and she is not making the least particle of noise."

"It is much better than if she kicked and screamed, as some of them do," Miss Minchin answered. "I expected that a child as much spoiled as she is would set the whole house in an uproar. If ever a child was given her own way in everything, she is."

Rain's reading is interrupted by a tiny little snore. He looks up and smiles when he sees Taksa is fast asleep. His audience is obviously riveted by the book. Well he supposed "A Little Princess" is above Taksa's age level by a few years. Sky however had suggested it since Rain had long ago surpassed the simple children's books in his daughter's library.

Rain closes the book and pulls the covers up to tuck the little girl in. He places her favorite stuffed stingray next to her.

"Sleep well, little one." He says. Rain picks up the book and takes it with him. Taksa might not be interested in the story of Sara and the boarding school, but Rain is.

"Is she asleep?" Sky asks. He is chopping vegetables for dinner.

"Out like a light," Rain grins.

Rain watches Sky work, he is trying to work up the courage to tell Sky what has been on his mind recently.

Finally he says, "Sky, could I ask you something?"

"What is it, Rain?" Sky asks, dumping the vegetables into a large pot.

"It's a little embarrassing," Rain admits. Sky is his best friend, but Rain still feels embarrassed to ask him such a personal question. Even if they are both omegas. The omegas in the series Rain watches are always gossiping about this sort of thing so Rain had somehow thought it would be easier.

Sky quickly sautées the vegetables then adds stock to make soup. "Oh, is it about your heat?" Rain has had two false heats since reducing his suppressants but has yet to experience the real thing. Doctor Malee seems pretty sure it will be soon.

"Kind of," Rain says and takes a deep breath. "I was wondering, well, how would I, I mean how can I get an alpha to give me a mating bite?"

To Sky's credit he only hesitates in his work for a minute. "Do you have a particular Alpha in mind?" It's a tease, they both know Rain is talking about P'Phayu.

Rain takes the bait, pouting. "Sky!"

"So you and P'Phayu haven't?" Sky asks.

Rain shakes his head. They have kissed and cuddled but haven't been farther than that. Rain knows he's the one holding back.

"Rain, just have an honest conversation with him." Sky says.

Rain knows he is right, but this had been embarrassing enough to discuss with Sky. Rain thinks he might spontaneously combust from mortification if he has to talk to the alpha about this.

Rain waits until Saifah goes to his room to watch a movie, then says, "Can I talk to you, P'Phayu."

P'Phayu closes the auto magazine he was flipping through and says, "Of course, sweet boy."

Rain decides to just say it, "P'Phayu, I have been reading the heat pamphlets we got at the doctor's office. And you know doctor Malee said my heat would be easier with a mating bite. I have just been thinking it's been months since we started reducing my suppressants and I have had false heats already..." Rain trails off when he realizes he is rambling.

P'Phayu frowns in concentration trying to follow what Rain is saying. "The doctor also said there were ways around having a mating bite."

"But what if I want it?" Rain says.

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