Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Kamira! I'm coming!" I said running at full speed.

"(Y/n) wait! It might be the monster!" Savannah yelled after me concerned. But I blanked her out. This was definitely Kamira; there was no questioning about it! She roared again, this time it was booming in my ears, it was almost if she was calling out to me after all these years. 

I stop and look at the sight in front of me. There was Kamira, though she changed. Her smooth icy blue scales looked rough, her matching colour eyes usually filled with love now drowning in hatred, her warm look and smile had turned into a eerie scowl with a frightening frown. Surely she remembers me?

"Kamira! It's me, (Y/n), remember?" I said nervously. I earned a growl from her that said otherwise though I ignored it. I heard Savannah flying over out of breath.

"Hey thanks for waiting for me (Y/n) I appreciate it!" She said in a sarcastic tone. We shared a  short moment of silence. "Holy mother of fish!" She gasped in astonishment, "T-that's a-"

"Dragon, yeah I know. It's Kamira." I said. Savannah looked at me in confusion as I slowly began walking towards the colossal ice giant in front of me. I went to touch her.

"(Y/n) stay away!! That isn't Kamira!!" Savannah shouted in fear.

"What?-" before I could say anything else I was flying through the air and landed in a pile of boulders. 

"STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU BIG MEANIE FISH!" Savannah yelled in fury running at Kamira with all her might.

"Fish?" I said in a dazed tone, the next moment I saw Savannah fly across the cave. "Savannah!" I yelled as I ran to my barely breathing exceed. I looked up at Kamira, who now had a huge a smirk planted across her face. I glared at it with anger pulsing through my veins. I didn't know who this impostor was, but they certainly not Kamira. I looked behind me to find a salmon pink haired man running towards me wearing a scaly scarf.

"Hey Ic-"

"Take Savannah and take her to safety, I'll deal with this impostor." I said calmly handing him my curled up, motionless silver exceed.

"But I wanna fight the monster! And since when are you giving me orders?!" He said in an irritated tone.

"DON'T QUESTION ME." I yelled out terrifyingly. His facial expression changed as he ran back to the entrance with Savannah. I turned back to the creature and smirked and beckoned it forward. "Come at me motherfucker." (yeah I made you swear, sorry you will just have to deal with it ^-^) The monster ran towards me, I put myself in position ready to attack.

"ICE DRAGON: ROAR!" I yelled as the icy roar scratched the creature delicately. It roared at me back and knocked me down. My leg got caught under a rock so I was unable to move. I began freezing  the rock the break it as the creature ran at me in full force. Crap, I wasn't gonna make it in time! I braced myself for the possibly fatal attack about to hit me. I closed my eyes tightly.

"Ice Make: SHEILD!" I heard a deep voice shout. I felt no one attack me, I looked up and a raven haired shirtless man standing in front of me. This gave me more time to break the rock. Instead a blonde and a red haired woman I recognized as Titania Erza, a powerful wizard struggled but lifted the huge rock off of my leg. I tried to stand but failed.

"You look hurt! Stay still I'll heal you!" I turned my head to see a young blue haired girl run towards to me, wait.. Wendy?! 


I'm in the middle of the forest, with my little sister Wendy, our parents had been killed by thugs in the town. I was lucky enough to get us out in time. I wandered around for a while, petrified. I couldn't look after Wendy all on my own! 

"Are you okay?" I heard a deep voice said. 

"Who's there?!" I spun around in fear to find a majestic beast before me. It was a dragon. "Y-Y-Your a dragon!" I stammered.

"My name is Grandeeney, I'm the sky dragon. What is your name?" She asked.

"I'm (Y/n), and this is my little sister, Wendy."

"You look a little young to be looking after children.." 

"Our parents were murdered, I'm looking for some nice villagers to take her in."

"She can stay with me," The dragon offered, I didn't exactly trust her, but she didn't look like the type to attack humans. "I promise she'll be safe, you have my word." I didn't have a choice. I looked at Wendy with tears in my eyes. I gave her a hug and pressed my forehead against hers.

"I'll never forget you, I promise." I let her go as she toddled over to Grandeeney. "I guess I'll be leaving." I began to walk the other direction. 

"Before you leave child." I turned around back at Grandeeney. "Go to the mountains, there is a cave where lies an ice dragon named Kamira. She's a good friend of mine. Tell her I sent you." I nodded and headed off into the mountains.


I shivered in the mountains, my feet numb from the cold. 'What if she just sent me to my death?' No, I had to keep moving forward. I reached the cave and cautiously entered. 

"Hello? Is this the cave of the ice dragon Kamira?" I said as my voice echoed.

"Who goes there?" I heard as a shadow of a dragon came out of the darkness.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I was sent here by Grandeeney the sky dragon." Kamira stared at me for a moment then beckoned me over to her. She wrapped me in a soothing smelling blanket and lay me down.

"Sleep my child, we have a long day tomorrow." I drifted of to the sound of her warm heart beat.


"Wendy!" I gasped in astonishment. She had grown up so much! I felt tears well up in my eyes. She looked at me in confusion. I looked over her shoulder and saw the creature charging at her. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!!" I shouted and pushed Wendy out of the way and forced my leg to stand.

"ICE DRAGON: SECRET ART!!" I ran towards the creature, "ICE FROZEN SLUMBER!!" (i made that up as you can tell by the crappy name.) I attacked the creature with the remaining strength I had.

My breathing had become heavy and I had become very dizzy. I looked at 'Kamira' and found her body freezing all over starting with the heart. After it's whole body froze I felt as if my body was doing the same. The creature fell to the ground as did I, losing consciousness.

I felt to strong arms catch me, one a warm feeling and the other a soothing cold.

"Quick! We have to return her to the guild for treatment, we have no time to waste!" I heard Titania say, as I drifted off into a deep sleep. 



Stay safe and awesome!


An Ice Dragon's Love(Natsu x reader x Gray)Where stories live. Discover now