MIA WAS QUIET, too quiet. Turning the shower off, Steve's brows furrowed. He had turned on the baby monitor, right? Grabbing the speaker half of the monitor, Steve held it up to his ear. Turning the volume all the way up, he listened intently. Nothing. There was nothing coming through.

Annoyed with himself for forgetting to turn the damn thing on, he quickly dried off from his short shower and rushed to get dressed. How could he not remember to turn the monitor on? He was supposed to be responsible. He was supposed to be a good papa. But how could he be a good papa if he could forget his daughter like this?

Leaving the primary bathroom, Steve crossed the hall to the personal-office-turned-nursery. Reaching the cracked door, however, he paused. Bucky was leaning over resting his head on the crib railing as he fondly watched their sleeping daughter. His fingers skimmed along Mia's face, caressing it but making sure not to mark her with the scent gland in his wrist.

Steve wondered how often the alpha had snuck in so he could spend time with their month old. It hurt to think about how selfish Steve was being. Whether he had the right to be angry with Bucky and the rest of them – he did – it was obvious how selfless the alpha had been in return. Clearly, Bucky did care about Mia. And maybe Bucky cared about him too.

Duh, Steve chastised himself, he gave you his entire floor with the primary bedroom, bathroom, what was once his personal office, and two walk-in closets! Of course, he cares!

Softly, Steve pushed the door open, startling Bucky with the action. The alpha stood abruptly, took a step away from the crib, and tripped over the ottoman. With a thump, Bucky landed on his ass, causing Mia to wake up. For a moment, the two men froze, waiting to see how the baby would react. At first, she was quiet. But then a shrill cry tore from her tiny body, causing both men to jump into action.

Although Bucky was closest, he didn't dare take her into his arms. He was still trying to appease Steve. Through the bond, the blond could feel the longing and heartache coming from the alpha, even as he tried to tamp down on his emotions so Steve wouldn't have to feel them too.

Lifting Mia into his arms, Steve swayed her before heading to the glider. Pushing aside his still-unbuttoned shirt and his supporter, Steve got to work feeding her. He caressed her face the way that Bucky had and kept most of his attention on their daughter. Out of his periphery, though, Steve tracked Bucky as the brunet headed for the door.

"I need to do laundry when she's done feeding," Steve offered an olive branch.

Turning back to look at the omega, Bucky said, "I can get it started for you. Or have someone else start it if you don't want me –"

"Or," Steve tried to keep his heart steady since he still had so many emotions when it came to the alpha and their daughter, "You could make sure she's ready for sleep again and just spend time together."

Affection bloomed through the bond as a grin crinkled up to Bucky's steel-blue eyes, "Really?"

"Yeah," Steve nodded. Half-teasing, "Unless you don't think you're up to it."

"No!" Bucky rushed, as though Steve was going to revoke the offer, "No, I can manage. Really, I can."

Chuckling under his breath, "Okay, I believe you."

The alpha lingered for a moment, so Steve said, "You're welcome to hang out here in the meantime."

Biting back a grin – and failing – Bucky took a seat on the ottoman that he had tripped over. He watched Steve as the omega fed their baby and let his curiosity get the better of him, "Is it weird?"

"Is what weird?" Steve asked, fixing his clothes once Mia was done. Lifting the month old up to his shoulder, he began burping her.

"Holding her on the outside. It seems like that'd be strange."

"A little, I guess," Steve confirmed. Rubbing her back to soothe her when the burps weren't coming nearly as fast as she wanted them to, "I like it better like this though."

"Me too."

Averting his gaze downward, Steve apologized, "I'm sorry about... hogging... her."

"Steve, don't," Bucky dismissed, "Ya got nothin' to be sorry for." Then, he added, "I'm the one who should be sorry. And I am. I really am. Ya gotta know that. Things changed, but before – before we started to get to know each other – it wasn't anything personal. And I hate that I hurt you."

Tears were in the alpha's eyes and with how earnest Bucky was being was starting to make tears build in Steve's own eyes. Wiping at his own damp face, Steve cleared the lump of emotion from his throat, "It'll be okay."

"Will it?"

"Yeah," Steve passed Mia to Bucky. The alpha instinctually cradled her to his muscular chest. Standing, Steve continued, "We just gotta try being on the same team again."

Briefly, Bucky closed his eyes as he nosed at Mia's hair, scenting her. When he opened his eyes again, they locked onto Steve. "I can do that."

"Then so can I."

As Steve was about to leave the nursery, Bucky caught his wrist. Pausing, the blond turned back to look at the brunet. Bucky's voice was soft as he said, "Thank you."

Naturally white cheeks reddening, Steve muttered, "No problem," and left the nursery. Hurrying to the walk-in closet that Bucky's clothes never resided in, Steve gathered the clothes that had missed the hamper due to his tired mind not caring. Carrying the wicker basket hamper out to the hall, he paused in front of the closet with the washer and dryer. Quietly taking a few steps closer to the nursery so he could try and hear what was going on in there before he started his chores.

Soft coos came from Mia that earned a gentle, "Yeah? Well, tell me about it," from Bucky. Steve fought the smile trying to tug at the corners of his lips. There was a moment where Steve felt confident that even if Bucky had gone through with Plan A, he would've been a good dad. And for some reason, that eased Steve's worries. Not completely, but enough so Steve could take some time for himself. Even if that meant doing his own laundry.

Love Blooms: Love Series 2 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now