Just then the doctor came in.

"Timothy?" The doctor asked, making sure it was the right room. I wasnt expecting them to use my real name. I told them Evan, I guess they went into my records.

"Yeah, but I prefer Evan" I said and looked at Cam, i was scared he was gonna make fun of me for my first name. But, he just looked at me and smiled.

"Oh? Sorry. Well, Evan, you are all good to go. Just take it easy for a few days" the doctor said and smiled.

"Okay, thank you" I said and got up and stretched.

"Do you mind filling out the discharge papers for him so he could get dressed?" The doctor asked Cam.

"I'll fill them out, after I get dressed" I told the doctor. They nodded and brought Cam out to the waiting room.

I finished getting ready and hurried out to the waiting room. I filled out the discharge papers quickly, then me and Cam hurried out to his car.

He rushed us to Adam's house.

"Why are we going to Adam's house?" I asked Cam, he looked worried. He sighed,

"Listen dude, she cares about you. So, when she ran out after you told her, she probably went here to beat his ass. But, since she hasn't came back yet, she's probably in trouble. Plus, I checked her location while waiting for you and she hasn't left here in like, 2 hours" Cam said and quickly pulled into Adam's drive way.

"I'm gonna distract him, you have to try and find her. Okay?" Cam asked before we got out. I nodded and got out.

We both quickly walked up to his door and knocked on his door. Once Adam opened the door, Cam punched him. Cam pinned him down and said,

"Thats what you get for shooting my best friend," Cam knocked him out with one more good punch to the jaw, "and that's for later" Cam got off of him and brushed his hands off.

"Let's go, you take upstairs, I take downstairs" I told him, he nodded and we went our own ways.

I searched on the main level before going down to the basement. When I went down to the basement, I saw her. Laying on the ground, I quickly rushed over to her.

She looked up at me,

"Evan?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. I helped her sit up while I sat in front of her.

"Y-yeah, is your shoulder okay?" She stuttered, I could tell she was lying.

"Yeah, come on, Cam's looking for you" I said and got up. I reached my hand out for her, but she stumbled. So I just swept her up and carried her upstairs.


Adam lundged at me, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his basement door. He opened the door and pushed me down the stairs,

"Stay quiet, or else your little 'knight in shining armor' won't make it this time" he said and slammed the door.

I was sure my ankle was very badly sprained, it was a pretty big staircase. I tried to stand, but I quickly fell. So, I just crawled over to a wall and laid down. I soon fell asleep.

I woke up to the basement door opening. I heard someone run over to where I was laying down. I looked up to see Evan,

"Evan?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"Yeah, it's me, are you okay?" He asked, helping me sit up.

"Y-yeah, is your shoulder okay?" I asked, of course I wasn't okay, but I didn't want him to worry.

"Yeah, come on. Cam is looking for you" he said and got up. He held his hand out for me so I could get up. When I tried to get up, I stumbled a little bit. He noticed and picked me up, I wasn't expecting it. I felt butterflies in my stomach, I dont know why. I can't be falling for Evan? Can I?

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

"Cam! I found her!" He yelled, still holding me.

"Oh thank god! Come on. Let's go." Cam said and rushed down the stairs. Cam looked at us and smiled.

They both rushed to the door and they walked to the car. Cam opened the passenger door and Evan gently set me down on the seat.

"Thank you" I said quietly.

"No problem" he said and smiled at me. Cam got in the driver seat and Evan got in the back.

"What happened?" Cam asked, driving to Evan's house. I explained everything that has happened and they both looked at me shocked. Cam pulled into Evan's driveway. Evan got out and opened my door, I tried to stand again. But, it hurt to bad and I sat back down.

Suddenly, Evan picked me up again and shut the car door with his foot.

"Evan, you know you don't have to pick me up. My ankle doesnt hurt that bad" I said and looked at him.

"Oh really, so I could throw you in the pool and you would be able to get out?" He said and started to go towards his pool in his backyard.

"No! Evan please dont!" I begged, he stopped and looked at me.

"I was just kidding, or was I" he said and started to run to his pool.

"Evan! No! Fine, my ankle hurts! Please dont throw me in the pool" I said.

"I know, I'm not that mean. Let's get your ankle fixed" he said and smiled at me. He started to walk to his back door.

He opened the back door and set me down on the kitchen counter. He went to get the first aid kit from the bathroom when Cam came up to me,

"Are you okay, I heard yelling." He asked and chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Evan was about to throw me in the pool" I said and laughed. He smiled and walked off as Evan came back.

"Which ankle was it that hurt?" He asked and crouched down to look at my ankles.

"The right one" I said and looked at him. He looked super focused and started to put ice on my ankle.


I was gonna have so much more in this but I've lost all motivation. I promise this is gonna get somewhere next chapter. Love ya🖤🖤🖤🖤

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