My tires swerve as I try and avoid an incoming car. It had just rained heavily the night before and the roads were still slick. I did a bunch of twists and turns, but crashed into a tree. Everything went black.


I could see the hurt look on Alex's face. She just lost two people she loved. At least Evan said he still cared about her and stuff, but he just needs time. She understood and stayed there, just talking with him about random things. Just like what they used to do, I could tell Evan still loved her.

I also understand why he needed some time. He was so hurt that he did that to himself. But, I also know that once he's ready, Alex is going to accept immediately. I haven't seen Alex love someone this much.

Suddenly, Alex's phone rang. She answered it and stepped out of the room.


I was talking with Evan and laughing when I got a phone call. I recognized the number as the same hospital we were in. I was confused and excused myself from Evan's room. I walked out into the hall and answered the phone call.

Me: hello?

Doctor: hello, is this Alex Rostami?

Me: yes, why?

Doctor: you were marked as the number one emergency contact for Andrew Smith

My heart dropped
Me: y-yes,  is everything okay?

Doctor: I'm very sorry to inform you but, Andrew has unfortunately passed away

Me: w-what?! No, no, he can't be

Doctor: I'm sorry, but he is, I know that you are in the same hospital that he is being kept at if you would like to say goodbye?

Me: y-yes, what room number is he in?

Doctor: room 287

Me: okay, thank you

I said and hung up.

I ran quickly to Andrew's room. There, I saw his lifeless body. I started to tear up, just by looking at him. Even though he ruined my relationship with Evan, I still care about him.

He's been my best friend for years. He helped me with Adam when he would get bad. He helped me through everything.

I went and stood next to him. A tear rolled down my cheeks. I sat down next to him, I apologized for what I said to him. Just so I could have closure and not worry about it for the rest of my life.


Alex had left the room 30 minutes ago. I started to get worried and I could feel my blood pressure rising. I looked over at Cam, by now, he could read me like a book. We have gotten really close these past few months.

"She's okay dude, I bet something just happened and she needed to go somewhere" Cam reassured me. I smiled and felt a little bit better.

Another half an hour passed by and I was starting to get really worried. My blood pressure rose higher and higher when everything went black.

"Doctor! I need a doctor! Please! Evan!" I could faintly hear Cam plead and yell. I then heard a flat line...............


have you guys ever heard of sleep? Cuz I sure haven't🥲 laugh at my joke. I SAID LAUGH AT MY JOKE! 🔫 thank you😌 anyways, this was provoked because I am very mad at the Evan inside if its_madison87 story called 'Where'd He Come From'. If you haven't read it, go read it😌 or else I will send my attack Mason after you

 If you haven't read it, go read it😌 or else I will send my attack Mason after you

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If you know me from TikTok, good job😌 love ya🖤🖤🖤🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇

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