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So just some info on this fanfic:

- wrote this before I finished iron flame so the info that we get on Xaden at the end of the book is not included

- this is set sort of just after Violet and Xaden leave basgaith with the students and teachers (so after Xaden frees Vi from the toucher)

- I choose to believe that Liam was a gift from Malek and not a hallucination because I love Liam too much and love their bond

- I think I really messed this up, it's really bad like REALLY bad, you have been warned

- I feel like I messed up their dynamic and Xaden, Vi, and Liam's personalities but oh well

All characters and place belong to the amazing Rebecca Yarros, pls don't steal my work I doubt anyone will it's not that good but anyway...


Fourth wing/Iron flame, after Vi sees Liam Where stories live. Discover now