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Nunew is still snuggled in the bed after his FIRST NIGHT. Zee didn't do any more rounds because he's afraid that Nunew will be too tired the next day.

Nunew frowned his eyebrows as the sun light hits him in the eyes. He slowly opens his eyes and blinks it few times, he looks to his side, finds Zee who's sitting as he looks at his phone.

Zee notices that Nunew has woken up, he puts down his phone and strokes Nunew's hair gently.

"Good morning Nu" says Zee softly.

"Morning..." says Nunew as he's still not fully awake yet.

"You can lay down for few more minutes, but after that you have to come out to eat your breakfast"  says Zee as he gets down from the bed. Before he leaves his room, Zee gives Nunew a forehead kiss. Nunew's eyes are now fully OPENED after Zee kissed him on the forehead. He quickly grabs the blanket again and bury himself under it to hide his embarassment. 'How cute' Zee thought to himself, leaving Nunew in the room by himself

'Is this the morning after sex always like this? Oh godddddd'

After few minutes, Nunew comes out from the bedroom and walks towards Zee who's sitting on the couch to sits beside him.

"I can't find my clothes, so i use yours if you don't mind" says Nunew wearing a very oversized shirt that he found.

"I don't mind it at all" says Zee with a smiles on his face. Zee slides a bowl of cereal in front of Nunew.

"Here's your breakfast"

Nunew takes the bowl, "Thank you, Zee" He takes a spoonful of cereal and eats it peacefully.

"Zee again? You called me Hia last night" Nunew chokes as he heard what Zee just said, he quickly puts down his cereal as he keep choking. Zee quickly gives Nunew a glass of water, Nunew takes it and gulps the water down to his throat.

"Easy, Nu, Easy." Zee rubs Nunew's back to calm him down

Nunew puts down the glass after he finished, "Why did you bring this up?" says Nunew as he wipes his mouth.

"Oh? But you literally called me Hia yesterday, right?" says Zee again. Nunew bites lips then he grabs a cushion and buries his face on it.

Zee is confused with Nunew’s actions, he's the one who started to call him that, so why is he's being like this now. Then Zee realizes it, "Don't tell me that...... you're shy?"

"Shut up" says Nunew as he still buried his head on the cushion

Zee smiles from ear to ear, "You're so cute" He quickly pull Nunew's body into his embraces. It happens so fast that Nunew can't even have time to escape.

Zee stay in that position for few minutes  in silence, he's like charging himself by hugging Nunew. Then after he fully 100%, he lets go of his hug.

"After you finish your cereal, i will drive you home. Your parents must be worried about you" Zee passes Nunew back his cereal and starts stroking Nunew's hair, it’s suprisingly fluffy

"They won't..." utters Nunew softly, moving his face away from the cushion to continue eating his cereal.

"Huh? Why?"

Nunew starts playing and stiring his cereal shyly, "Cause last night, when we're at your car, i texted my mom that i will stay at Namping's...." explains Nunew softly as he still feel shy when he talking about it.

Zee can't hold back his smile, he quickly hugs Nunew again, "Oh my god, you're so adorable!!!!" Zee gives few kisses on Nunew's cheek tickling Nunew.

"Hiaaaaa, stop it, i want to eatttt" says Nunew as he pushing Zee's body

Zee looks at Nunew's face, "Call me Hia again" Zee likes, no, loves it when Nunew called him Hia.

"Hia...." says Nunew softly, Zee smiles and moves his face closer, then he kisses Nunew's lips.


Today is Monday and yes, Nunew haven't got home yet. He spent his Sunday at Zee's place yesterday after his deflowered night. Nunew only departed from Zee's condo in his white shirt this morning because Zee washed all of Nunew's clothes at the laundromat the night before so that's Nunew can wear back his clothes to not have people find out that he actually stayed at Zee's house for two days.

As Nunew is walking in the corridor towards his classroom, he was suddenly pulled into the toilet by someone. He was so ready to fight the person when he is inside the toilet, but that someone release the grip. When Nunew looks at who pulled him, it's actually Namping and Nat.

"Oh my god, Ping, Nat. I almost have an heart attack" Nunew rubs his chest as his heart pounding so hard.

"You fucked with him, didn't you?" asks Namping.


"Don't uhmmm me you bitch, you moaned so loud when i called you!!!" Namping is really annoyed with Nunew now, like he is the witness of Nunew and Zee's sexual intercourse.

"So are you still a virgin or no?" asks Nat who standung beside Namping.

Nunew bites his lips, "I' longer virgin" Nunew said as he keep his head down.

Namping sighs, he's been worried sick about his best friend, but as long Nunew happy, he should be happy too, "Well..... Congratulations. I shouldn't be mad at you when i found out about you two. I just.....I just feel that you should tell me and Nat first"

"Yeah exactly, Nu. Us getting too much information at the same time, it's giving headache and that's not cool. We're besties, we should tell each other about everything, eventhough it's shitty as hell" says Nat to completed what Namping just said.
"I'm sorry guys, i promised i will never do that again" says Nunew with his teary eyes.

"Yeah, don't ask for sex randomly online bitch" sarcass Namping with a smile of his face

"Groupp hugggg" Nunew spreads his arms and let two of his best friends to hug him. After a few minutes of hugging, they let go of each other and laughs together.

Then three of them gets out from the toilet and walks to their class together. On their way back, Nat is busy checking on his phone because he wants to be updated about everything at anytime of the day and he found something interesting....

"Uhm guys.....check our group chat right now" Nat send a link to their group. Namping and Nunew opens their group chat and clicks on the link that Nat shared.

 Namping and Nunew opens their group chat and clicks on the link that Nat shared

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"Oh my god" Nat closed his mouth.

"Shit, he's talking about you, right? Shit..if this is not you, i swear i will cut off his head" says Namping angrily as he clenched his fist. Meanwhile Nunew's jaw dropped when he read the news.

'What the hell is happening??' - Nunew



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