Chapter 17

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I looked at him with shock.  He..  Did he call me tae? He knows it's me? I gulped as he put his other hand on my waist while turning towards me.

"Baby you promised you would kiss me if I let you eat those sweets for breakfast. I did now you have to kiss me... You said you... You kiss...kis-"
He mumbled something while his eyes were closed and I got confused. 

sweets?  Kiss?  Promise

What is he talking about? 

He started to sweat as he tightened his hold on me,
"You...  You promised!! You can't now sleep. Open your eyes"

His face was scrunched as he tried to pull me closer to his body even tho there was no room left between us. His face was drenched in sweat as he mumbled things. I could not make out half of the things he was saying. 

"i-i let you eat sweets even tho doctors said no. Now you are doing this to me.  You can't do that. You promised-"
He was trembling in his place. His hold was so tight that I could feel my limbs getting squeezed. 

What is happening with him?  Is he remembering a bad accident?

"Sir?  Sir, leave me"
I asked and put my hands on his chest trying to get free from this painful hug but he started to panic.

"no no, you can't leave me.  You promised baby. You promised"
He was sweating like crazy and now I was scared. His body temperature was rising and he was not ready to let me go.

He thinks I am that person who promised something to him,  but I am not.

"Sir leave me you are hurting me"
I hissed and tried to get his hands off of me as he shook his head violently.

"no, I will not leave my baby. Go away he is alive. He is just sleeping. Don't touch me,  don't touch us..."

Is he remembering someone's death?

I gulped. It looks like he has lost someone so dear to him that it is hunting him till now.

I tapped his cheeks. I want him to get back to his senses.  I know if he doesn't come back to reality soon he will get a panic attack and I have no idea who to contact if that happens. I have no resources to reach his family or friends.
"wake up!!!  Sir open your eyes.  I am taehyung!"

I grabbed his arms and tried to get his grip on me loosened a little. I need to find water and drench him in it. 

"don't you dare to touch him!!!  What are you doing? Why are you burying him? I will kill you yoongi leave him. He is alive.  I promise he is...  He- he is just sleeping"
His voice was so vulnerable and panicked.  I can feel his every muscle tightening. 

I felt so horrified as I heard him and felt him shake.

Who died and left this big impact on Jungkook?

Baby? Did his partner die?  But isn't Iu his girlfriend?  If someone's death affects him so much then why is he dating someone else after him?

"I waited for so much love. So much for you to arrive and you are leaving me this quick? Isn't it unfair? You are leaving peacefully in heaven leaving me in this nightmare to survive on my own?"
He was talking clearly now. So clear that I could imagine everything happening right in front of my eyes. The image of what he was saying terrified me.

"you said we will face every problem together.  You said we are not perfect but you will make us comfortable.  Tell me how I can be comfortable in this absurd world without you."
I stopped struggling and he put his face on my chest. Hugging me. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't think he is going to going to stop nor do I think he will get out of his imagination.

It's better if I let him do what he wants.  I don't have any energy to fight anymore.  Nor do I want to say something that will trigger his memories.  It can lead to him having anxiety or panic attacks.

"you promised!"
He somehow calmed down when I cradled my fingers through his hair. He was slowly relaxing as I rubbed his back and hair. 

He threw his leg over my hips and pressed his palms on my waist tight. He rubbed his cheeks over my chest,  inhaling my scent. I felt his body calm down.

"moon goddess has cursed me, love... They hate me so much. They gave you to me after so long and then he snatched you away from me"
He was clear on what he was saying. His voice was a bit soft. 

"than... Then when he felt pity for me seeing me longing for you every day. He sent a person on here who looks like you and expects me to replace him with you. Mon goddess thinks I am stupid."
He was angry. Somehow I could feel anger boiling inside of him.

A person who looks like his dead partner? 

Sounds a bit like a fairy tale.  Or maybe even a nightmare like Jungkook thinks.

"they want me to mate him,  they want me to take him as my mate and give him things I gave you. Take him to my house where we lived.  Make memories with him when I have enough of them with you."
He was rubbing his face on my chest all over. 

"He has your face love... He has your body,  your voice even your name. As if the universe got tired of seeing me suffer and threw in your copy hoping to mate me with him. How can I?"
He let out and hissed.
"How can I just love someone just because he looks like you?"

I felt bad as he was shaken up in my hold. 
"I love you.  Only you and no one other than you can carry your position.  Not even someone identical to you."

Who is he talking about?  I feel bad for him for the first time.

"I love you..."
He mumbled and finally, he stopped talking.  His hold on me was smothered and his face on my chest finally relaxed. He had his mouth open.  Breathing and out through it while he was getting his hair detangled by me.  I continued to rub his back as he eventually slept.

His hair was so soft almost like I didn't want to stop touching it. He had piercings on his lips.  Two to be exact. His ears were pierced too as he wore white gold earrings on them. His lips were so pink and looked so pretty.  If only someone had shown me the photo of his lips I would have thought it was woman's. And he had he had a mole under his lips. 

I sighed. 

His features were the reason I found him so attractive at our first meeting.  He was so beautiful that I could not stop thinking about it for almost that entire day. Then I found out what hides behind his perfect face. 

That is why falling in love at first sight is a bad idea.  What if he is like Jungkook?

So pretty,  so flawless but their hearts are made of stone.

Beauty and the Beast.

jungkook reminds me of that movie but here jungkook is the beast and he is the beauty. Both factors lie upon him.

I stopped combing his hair while thinking and I heard Jungkook mumbling,  moving his head so he could get my hand to work again. 

It's best if I leave now. I looked at him for the last time and decided to leave Jungkook there.  I will tell Jimin to inform yoongi about it. 

I can't even imagine how he would feel if he woke up in my arms.  He would either kill me or kill himself for dribbling out so much about his life while lying in my arms.  It's best if he and I both forget about this night.  What will I even gain from remembering about my boss's love life and how messed up it is?  Nothing. 

I grabbed jungkooks arms and legs and get them away from me, and left from there leaving Jungkook groaning behind me.

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