chapter 6

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Ellie's pov:

I woke up by my mom's  voice.
"Ellie baby wake up we gotta go honey"
I opened my eyes and saw mom in her purple scrubs
"Ellie come on  get up"
"Yeah im awake "
"Good i will wait you downstairs"
"Wait where are we going?"
"To your appoiment"
I looked at her in total shock
"Yeah no bye"
"Ellie come on don't make it hard "
"No i don't want to go there"
"I promise its not gonna hurt at all ok"
I get up  and get ready finally i go downstairs where mom and Liam were waiting for me drinking from their cofee
"Morning ellie "
"Hey Liam..."
"Owh baby come on its gonna be ok u went trough worse "she said as she hugged me
"Take a seat i made your parizer omelet"
"Thanks" i say and in a few minutes we all went to the car  and in no time we arrived and my face filled with tears
"Ellie whats wrong why do you keep insisting not to come is there something you want to tell me?"
Liam gave me a nod
"M-my mouth has been hurting  for about 2 weeks"
"TWO WEEKS!?!? Liam why didnt u told me anything!!?"
"Because ellie said she will tell me only if i wont tell you "
"Nah lady you get inside right now "
"Ellie you realize if so much time passed there might be the extraction needed so you better get inside "
"Stop yelling at me like that!!"
"Sorry ellie but im worried lets get inside" i got down and mom looked at me pretty mad i looked scared at her but to my surprise Liam picked me up and carried me on his shoulders
He carried me inside on my mothers office and let me down on the dental chair
"I dont wanna do this ..."
"Why ellie you like how your mouth is hurting so much?"
"I know  you will make it hurt more"
"Ellie calm down i won't "
She says as she places a bib over me
"Please dont make me do this"
"Baby calm down its going to be okay i won't hurt you i'll be as gentle as i can"
"Okay i got a patient in 10 minutes i have to go get ready" Liam says as he gets up , i see mom getting ready she snaps gloves and a mask and fixes the light and leans the chair just a litlle bit
"Okay open big "
I open my mouth being scared as fuck
"Oh i see the problem dang ellie if you would tell me sooner you shouldnt had to get trough this "
"Its okay but you need a root canal "
"Not really i havent got any time because in like half an hour i have a patient wich is anya "
"Good can i stay here please"
"Yeah i mean she is you friend why not"
"Yeah and after i can go with her to vball practice"
"Kk ill go to see if she is here"

Marines pov :

I go trough the hall and see anya at te reception
"Anya come " she looks at me and starts walking
"Hi how are you ?"
"I-im good...."
"Okay come inside"
Ellie sees her and smiles
"Hey Anya"
"Oh hi why are you here?"
"Oh im waiting till mom finishes work "
"Where is your mom?"
"Girl you just talked to her "
"Wait what.."
"Im her mom ,okay anya you can take a seat"
"Okay "
"Umm anya we can go together to the practice after youre finished"
"Ellie do you mind calling Liam for me?"
She went out
"Okay did the surgery hurt these days right?"
"Yeah and it bleed"
"Okay we will wait for Liam and he will see whats wrong ussally it shouldnt bleed after the surgery"
"Can i have a look?"
"Yeah sure"
I get equiped and i get an examination set
"Open please"and she does ,i look around the surgery and i see a litlle fracture
"Did you fall or got hit in the face these days "
"Yeah at practice i got a ball in my face why?"
"Well the part where the surgery was done is a litlle ripped"
"Does this mean i have to do another surgery?"
"Not really it can be just with 3 shots wich are a bit painful but not too much and we can stick it back"
"Oh ..."
"Its going to be alright i promise "
At that moment Liam entered 
"Hey mari why did you need me ?"
He says as he takes a seat on the other side of the chair
"I needed your check"
"Oh hey anya "
"Hi uncle Liam "
"Umm  what...."
"Oh he is my uncle.."
"Okay nvm ,have a look"
He takes gloves and the  mirror
"Okay open" she opens
" oh yes its damaged but not too bad ,we will schedule an appoiment for tommorrow okay until then   take some pain killers and try to avoid fast food only water and a easy salad for today okay and avoid sweets until tomorow"
"Okay done?"
"Yes you are "i say as i lean the chair back up
"Oh and could you please call ellie so we can go to practice?"
"Yes sure wait here "i say as i get up and went back with ellie

Ellie's pov:

I stay in the staffroom and wait until i heard some footsteps
"Ellie are you ok?"it was mom
"Yeah i guess..."
"You can go to practice  ,do you need some money for your raspberry latte?"
"If you wouldnt mind yes .."
She gave me money and i  left



"this training was awesome today ellie you were like a beast spiking the ball ugh i just can imagine how we will win if you will spike the like that "shelby says and i laugh
"Ugh we still need dental checkups...yall can recomend me a good one" liz said
"I can recomend ellie's mother she is super kind and cute"anya says
"Wait your mom is marine ?"
"Yeah ..."
"Thats not cool at all"
We all dressed and headed out while climbing the stairs i wasn't paying attention and i fell so hard that my mouth filled with blood i was crying in pain liz went to call coach and the coach called mom in a few minutes i saw mom with liam runing to me she looked pretty scared
I was just crying because of the massive and insuportable pain  i was staying on my coach's lap Liam picked me up and took me to the car
"Thanks girls for calling me she had recently a surgery and i think she feactured it again "
"Its okay  marine thanks to liz bc she called me now she is ok"
"Okay i will get going as you see im still in my scrubs i came from work ill go now thank you so much again"

Marine's pov:

I get back to the car
"Liam can you drive ?"
"Yeah sure gimme the car keys"
I gave him the car keys and layed ellie with the head on my lap
"Ellie baby are you ok?"
"Only a litlle more and we arrive at the clinic "
"Why at the clinic"
"Because i want to see what you did and   i got a few more patients "
She just kept crying ,soon we arrived to the clinic ,Liam took ellie inside  it was 2:45 pm i had only 20 minutes to fix this because i got another patient  Liam puts ellie on the dental chair we equip ourselves
"Okay ellie lets get this blood away we dont have much time "
She opens her mouth and me and liam slip our tools in but we needed a mouth prop to have more accesibility
"Okay ellie im gonna use a mouth prop for more accesibility"she just nods and i place the mouth prop as Liam touched the ripped part ellie winced in pain
"Sorry i'll be gentle "
I said as i let Liam trying to fix it and i got 2 shots
"Okay now you will feel a litlle bit of pain but only for a litlle okay "
I give liam a sign and put the shot in i starts pressing it down and i see tears  from ellie's eyes
"Only a litlle more baby "i get the needle out and accidentally let her see it
"Okay the hard part is done "
"Why did u do it?"
"Because its better than tolerating all the pain that would of come "


"Ok you are done "
"Umm may i ask something ..."
"Go ahead"
"I can still go to the states right?"
"We will talk about it later ok"
She said as she went to the staff room with liam i felt awful and i don't know how to tell her she is not going to states she would hurt herself more if i let her go


ellie's pov

I was chilling with my mom and Liam at the tv on the sofa i was with the head on my mothers lap because i like when she massages it and liam was near us  suddenly my mouth felt itchy as hell tears started to roll down my eyes
"Ow ow ow!!!!"
"What's wrong ellie?"
"My mouth is itching so hard "
"It was supposed to happen "Liam says as he gives me a pill

Marine's pov:

After  Liam  gave  to ellie the pill  she fell asleep in my arms he put ellie upstairs and we went in our bed  i was thinking deep for a way to tell ellie she isn't going to states but if i wouldn't let her go she will get incredibly mad ,i let the toughts slip away and i finally fell asleep

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