chapter 5

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Ellie was 15 soon she will have states

Marines pov :

I was cooking dinner ,Liam went to get ellie from practice soon enough i heard the car ,they both entered in the house after a long day
"Hey ellie how was practice?" I say as i went to hug Liam
"Ugh just fuck it!"
"Ellie the language!"
She ran upstairs crying
"Whats up with her ?"
"After i left my office and went to get her i saw her talking to her coach and she told me ellie needs a dental checkup for the states and ellie looked angrily at miss maria and went to the car slamming the door"
"Here we go again"
"I tried to talk with her but she won't stop saying that she won't go there she doesnt want you to find something wrong with her and torture her again"
"Huh..?torture...?whats  wrong with this child"
"I dont know btw what's for dinner"
"Chick salad with salsa macarons"
"Nice i will go change "
Liam said as he gave me a kiss and went upstairs in our bedroom i went up to ellie to see how she  is and clarify this once , i gently  open the door and see her changing and crying
"Whats wrong why are you crying" i say as get in and sit near her on the edge of the bed
"Liam told me it about the checkup?"
"Ellie we gone trough this its not going to hurt we had it a lot of times baby why are you stressing so much?"
"There is nothing wrong with me i think why ,just why"
"Ellie are you afraid that im going to find something wrong and there is going to be work needed is this what's about?"
She just looks at her lap fidgeting with her fingers
"It is going to be alright baby i love you i won't ever hurt you ..."
"I love you too" i took her and layed her on the bed i leaned with her and hugged her tight in my arms showing her that she is safe me 
"Guys are you coming to e- ...oh im i disturbing something ?"
"Not really come in i want a hug of your pajama its fluffy " ellie said and liam came with us
"Okay we should go eat "


We all went to the couch and ellie fell asleep in my and Liams lap i was massaging her head easily
"It was a full day maybe we should go to bed tomorow i will take ellie to the clinic"i said looking at Liam
"Yeah let me get ellie to her bedroom "
Liam picked up ellie and we  went to put her in bed   and we went to our bedroom  and fell asleep

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