part 7 - shamming

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you know how i promised you lovely buns that this chapter's going to be exciting?

i was lying. it's short


" Ah- " Lily groaned, rubbing her stomach.

" What's wrong, Lily? " Haewon rushed to the latter's side, " Is your stomach okay? Does it hurt? Did you eat something wrong? Are you on your period? ARE YOU PREGNANT?! Tell me baby, I'm here to help. "

" No Haewon- it's fine. " Lily said, " My stomach's been hurting because I'm starving... Like, I could eat a horse. "

The younger girl sighed, relieved it wasn't that serious. " Oh, then just eat something. " Haewon suggested, " You scared me for a second. "

" It is something serious! I haven't eaten anything today, only a banana. But it's for loosing weight so it's fine, right? " Lily confessed, " My friend... he said I was getting fat. " The half Aussie explained, " I wanna get something to eat, but I can't order things from restaurants because he said it was fat and unhealthy. " Her eyes slowly drifting at the ground, " A-And I don't wanna be fat and unhealthy... "

" No Lily, you aren't fat at all! " Haewon said, her hand landing on Lily's shoulder and slowly sliding down to her hips, " Don't listen to your stupid friend, he's a bad influence to you. "

" But I do think I'm fat... "

" Oh, Lily. " Haewonsaid firmly, " Listen to yourself! Look in the mirror, do you see any fat? Look at it right now. Stand up and go. "

Following Haewon's orders, Lily stood up from the couch and walked to the mirror that was placed on the corner of the living room. The latter looked at stomach that was visible through the crop top she was wearing. " Hey Lily, " Haewon appeared from behind Lily, " Even if you do see fat, I still love you anyway. "

" But- "

" No more buts, you literally have abs. You are not fat in anyway. "

" Y-Yeah. " Lily scratched her head, her eyes slowly looking back up at Haewon with a gentle smile, " I guess he's wrong. "

" Yeah, that's right. " Haewon smiled with Lily, " You want to cook something to eat? " She asked.

" I know how to cook fried rice and instant stuff... "

" Teach me, please? "


Haewon grinned. Clasping her hands together as she proudly looked at the fried rice she made with Lily.

" Woaaaah, cooking is fun shit. " Haewon smiled.

" Yeah, I guess so... " Lily shyly shrugged.

" It looks AMAZING! " Haewon exclaimed, grabbing the pan full of fried rice and placed it on the dinning table before going back in the kitchen to get chopsticks and spoons for the both of them.

" Let's eat. "

" Um yeah, " Lily muttered as she looked that the dish of fried rice, " Let's eat... "

She looked at it with a bit of disgust, playing with it with her spoon. Haewon was already munching on it, proud of herself. Haewon glanced at Lily, seeing if she liked the dish or not, but instead she saw the older girl just playing with her food.

" You okay, Lily? " Haewon asked, " Do you not like it? It's okay, cause I like it. We can order whatever takeout- "

" No. " Lily firmly said, " It's just... "

She paused, unsure if she should tell this to Haewon or not.

" It's okay, take your time baby. "

" It's just, I can't eat it. It looks too unhealthy with the amount of oil I-I put earlier, " Lily blurted out, " It- I'm going to be fat. " She trailed off, staring at the floor.

" How many times do I have to say it? " Haewon sighed, turning to Lily as she held her hands and caressed them, " So what if you're become fat? Everyone's beautiful regardless of their size or weight. " She looked up at Lily to see her staring at the floor, " Look at me baby girl, " She started, " No matter what happens to you, whether you're fat, skinny, or a dirty little worm, I'm still going to love you. "

" Really? " Lily softly whispered, showing vulnerability in her voice.

" Yes. And you know why? " Haewon smiled as Lily slowly shook her head, " It's because I only care about what's in here. " She pointed at Lily's heart with a gentle smile, " The reason I love you is because of here, " Haewon poked at the latter's chest again, " That thing inside there is what makes me think everything about you is beautiful. "

Lily grabbed Haewon's hand which was pointed at her heart and pushed it away. The younger girl was at first confused, but then smiled. Feeling the touch of Lily's soft lips on her precious lips, they both slowly pull back as their cheeks start to heat up. Hearts starting to beat faster and their eyes staring even deeper in each other's eyes.

see what i mean?

i really promise the next NEXT one's going to be exciting

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