part 5 - stress

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Lily knows how stressed Haewon has been lately. It's the finals, every student is stressed during this time. She's tried buying Haewon's favourite snacks in an attempt to cheer her up, giving her cuddles, or even giving her support all for the same purpose of trying to cheer her up.

Thanks to Lily's cheering and support, it has lifted some stress off of Haewon's chest, but only a bit. And besides, the stress that disappears will come back some how. It's not permanent.

Lily came back with bags of snacks, mostly chocolate, chips, and jellies. All of Haewon's favourite things to cheer her up. The older one couldn't wait to surprise Haewon with them, shes been thinking about the younger's reaction all day ever since she thought of the idea.

As she skipped to the apartment, she imagined Haewon's reaction.

"Omo- Honeyyyy! Thank you so much! I love it a lot! " Haewon got up from her seat to run straight to Lily and hugged her, " I can't believe I have such a sweet girlfriend like you. "

" Awww... Thank you! I wanna let you know that I'm here to support you, okay Haewonnie? " Lily gave Haewon a small peck on her lips as Haewon's face slowly turned into a tint of red.

" Okay! "

" Mmm... I love you. "

" I love you too! "

That's what Lily imagined.

The Aussie couldn't stop giggling to herself as unlocked the door to their apartment. She walked up the stairs and to Haewon's bedroom and got more and more excited as Lily stood in front of Haewon's study room.

But her expression changed as she slowly heard quiet sobs and sniffles from Haewon's room.

" Haewonnie? " Lily softly asked before knocking on the door.

A few more sniffles were heard before Haewon responded, " L-Lil-y, w-what— do you n-need? " She tried to sound less... miserable.

" Can I come in? " She asked. Lily waited for an answer but it seems like nothing was coming out, " Haewonnie... "

" I-I'm okay..! " Lily could hear the amount of stress in Haewon's voice, " Just a b-bit tired. "

" Let me come in and tell me how you're feeling okay? "

" I said I'm fine! " Haewon lashed out at Lily a bit before feeling guilty about it, " I-I'm so sorry... "

" It's okay. " Lily said, " I'll come in when you're comfortable. "

She walked away to the living room as she dropped her plastic bags beside the couch before sitting on it.

Lily sighed worriedly. She knows how it feels to have so much stress on her shoulders, she can't even imagine to happening to someone else. Concern began to creep into her head as she thought about Haewon more and more, Haewon's a sensitive person who doesn't like showing negative emotions and Lily knows that. She knows that really well.

She doesn't want Haewon going though all of this by herself, Lily wants to let Haewon know that really badly. But it seems like Haewon keeps pushing her away.

Each time she tries to cheer Haewon up, she always says that she's either busy or doesn't look affected at all. And that's what's hurting Lily. She knows it's not Haewon's fault. That's what happens when you're stressed and struggling. Lily keeps thinking that it's going to change one day. One day, Haewon's going to open up to Lily instead of keeping it to herself.

But it doesn't seem like that day is going to come very soon.

" Lily... "

She turned around to see Haewon standing in the hallway, peeking out from her study room with her puffy red eyes.

Lily's eyebrows furrow as she grew more and more worried. Haewon's hands were shaking as she held the side of the doorframe. Lily rushed straight to Haewon without hesitation.

" I-I'm sorry... " Haewon mumbled before breaking down.

" Oh, you poor thing. " She hugged Haewon tightly, her head resting on Haewon's shoulder as she comforted her, " What's wrong, Haewonnie? "

" I-I-It's hard... "

" I know, uni's hard right? But if just hold on for a few more days, you'll be able to make it there. Let's just take it easy for now, okay? "

" L-Lil—y... " Haewon muttered.

" Yes? What do you need my sweet princess? "

" I-I " Haewon choked on her words, " I- don't know i-if I can do i-it. N-Nothing is getting into my h-head, and— "

" It's okay, Haewon. " Lily patted on Haewon's shoulder.

" N-No... Y-you don't understand. I-I'll b-be known as the s-stupid bitch who fails the finals in my family! "

" No! Don't say that. " Lily pushed Haewon slightly to look at her face as her eyebrows furrowed, " No one's going to call you that. And besides, you shouldn't be thinking so negatively Haewon. If you think you're not remembering anything, why don't we try to take a break? "

" But- "

" No buts, Haewon. Imagine this studying thingy as a video game. In video games, you need like a power up or something like that to boost you up and make you stronger right? So the power ups in videos games are like little small breaks between your studying. " Lily looked at her affectionately, " Just remember breaks aren't weaknesses, they're your strengths. "

Haewon didn't respond, instead she only nodded. She was too overwhelmed by how nice Lily was treating her.

" Look, " Lily pointed at the plastic bags on the floor, " I bought snacks just for you. "

" Th-thanks, Lily... " Haewon sniffed, " You're the b-best person ever. "

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