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Min-jeong glances at the time. "Has time ever moved this slow before?" She says to Soobin who is trying his best to engage in the class.

They are currently in their second class, and lunch is soon to start.

Fortunately for the five great students, they have most of their classes together, so they are all around each other most of the time.

Soobin tries to rub the drowsiness out of his eyes. "The time always slows down when we are in class. Have you not gotten used to this yet?" He whispers to Min-jeong while still observing everything the teacher does.

Min-jeong sighs. "Yea, I guess you're right." She says putting her head in her hand, trying not to doze off.

While Soobin and Min-jeong and trying everything they can to engage in the lecture, Lia is  all energized and incredibly interested in the lesson.

"Guys! We only have like 5 minutes before this class over. We got this!!" Lia says with a big grin and two thumbs up.

Chaeyeon is already sleep with her head down and airpods in, while Seungmin is playing a game on his phone paying no attention to the lecture.

Lia takes a look at her miserable friend group and brings to look concerned.

"I knew Personal Finance wasn't the most fun class but goodness. You guys can at least try to look engaged." Liar says looking at everyone disappointedly.

This was actually Lia's favorite class because it includes all the topics that she loves. Unfortunately she was the only one in the group that actually found it intriguing.

"Lia, how can you possibly be so interested in this class?" Seungmin says putting his phone down and rubbing his face with his hands, tiredly.

"Umm because it's Personal Finance? There is nothing boring about Personal Finance guys." Lia says jotting down notes in her notebook.

Seungmin, who is constantly looking at Min-jeong, sees her dozing off. He wraps his arm around her and rubs her arm lightly.

"Min-jeong, we got this, don't go to sleep just yet." Seungmin says to Min-jeong who is half asleep ,brushing her hair out of her face with his soft hands, giving her a soft smile.

Min-jeong looks at him and smiles. "Fine, but I think I can only last 1 more minute in this class before it's endgame for me." And as soon as she says that, heaven decides to finally answer everyone's prayers. The class is officially, over!

All of a sudden, Chaeyeon is wide awake and energized for the rest of the day, acting like she was just in a deep sleep a minute ago.

"Wow! What a great class! Welp, time for lunch!" Chaeyeon says packing her bag and basically dashing towards the door. Seungmin is right behind her, giggling.
"Lunch today isn't that bad, now is it?" Soobin says as he is picking out his meal.

"Yea I guess not, I still would have preferred that we went to that one ramen place across the street though." Chaeyeon says picking her lunch out with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

As the group now has their food, they all head over to where they would usually sit. However, there seems to already be a group of people over there. A large group of people.

"Well, looks like we are gonna have to find somewhere else to sit at lunch." Lia says taking a deep breath and starting to look around for somewhere new to sit.

"Hey Chae, isn't that your sister? Can't you just ask her to move?" Min-jeong says, while she is eating her food standing up, because finding a seat was taking a little long.

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