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Everyone begins to get hype, as Ryujin is finally getting some play after that fiasco at Sunwoo's party.

"What? What kind of fucking dare is that?!" Shuhua says laughing and glancing at Minho who was not amused at Giselle's dare.

"Do it!! Don't be a pussy Shuhua" Haechan says edging Shuhua on to do it.

Without even checking in with Minho to see if it was okay, she got off of his lap and walked over to Ryujin and began to straddle her.

"Hey! Straddling wasn't apart of the dare!" Mingi says bursting out laughing.

"I can add whatever rules I want!" She says looking back at Mingi and then at Ryujin with a seductive look.

Ryujin looks down at Shuhua's perfectly sit breast, and then back at Shuhuas eyes. "Don't look at me like that." Ryujin utters under her breath with a smirk.

"Or what?" Shuhua says placing her hands ever so lightly on Ryujin's neck and leaning in closer.

"Oh they are about to do it! Oh my god let me record this!" Chaeryeong says about to pull out her phone but gets shut down by Minho as he announces, "No recordings please."

"Ugh, you're so lame." Yeonjun says putting his phone away as he had the same idea.

"Hurry up and kiss already damn!!" Sunwoo says a little too excited.

Shuhua leans in, and you could see tension of them two leaking all around the room.  Ryujin has kissed literally every girl in the friend group except for Shuhua, mainly because she is dating Minho and he didn't want anyone else's lips on hers but his. So, when the two did finally kiss, it was kinda a big deal.

"Oh shit!! They are for real doing this shit!" Haechan says covering his mouth in shock.

Everyone is shocked and surprised that they were actually kissing and doing this, considering that it was kind of an unwritten rule that they were not going to do anything sexual.

Even though Minho ordered that no one recorded, Mingi could not let this opportunity just slide past. While everyone was in amazement of what they were seeing, Mingi privately took out his phone and began to record what he was witnessing. Mingi would be lying if he said that Shuhua didn't turn him on with every little thing she does. Just looking at her for to long will make Mingi lose his mind, which is exactly why he made a move on her last year.
Mingi cared for Minho, he did. But, the more that Shuhua would tag along with Minho to different events, the more he would see exactly why Minho became a thing with her.
Shuhua was a long-haired brunette, who had a medium curvy build, with great breast and a small but defined ass. She was just what Mingi was looking for. The moment that Mingi and Shuhua really hit it off was when Minho, Shuhua, and Mingi all went to a party.
Minho was outside the venue smoking with some of his friends, and Mingi and Shuhua were both inside having the time of their lives. As time went by, Mingi thought that while Minho was outside doing drugs, this would be the perfect time to really find out what Shuhua has to offer. And thank god for Mingi that she didn't think he was a weird creep, because in the end of this Mingi was eating Shuhua out in the bathroom. Ever since then, they have been going at it with eachother, well until they got caught by Minho. Mingi to this day still doesn't know how him and Shuhua were able to pull off that incident as a "joke" because usually Minho is not easily influenced, but it is what it is.
So, now we are here. Where Mingi and Shuhua still mess around without Minho really knowing anything about it. And the plan to keep messing around with one another until they get caught again.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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