⁰¹ | tim mcgraw

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"flash us a smile!"

"got a new boyfriend?"

"how are you, cornelia?"

"any new music, taylor?"

the paparazzi had caught us again.

my hands start shaking.

i went with my mom to pick taylor up from the airport. she had been away for close to 3 months, on tour.

the eras tour had been going on since march, and for now, she's on a break, preparing 1989 (taylor's version), and the eras tour movie.

as of now, we were pushing past the paps, trying to get into our house.

"cornelia, are you pregnant? or just fat?"

i stop in my tracks.

what the fuck.

my hands start shaking as tears well up in my eyes.

i'm not going to break in front of anyone. no one. i can't. i blink the tears back into my eyes and continue as i was.

my mom hadn't heard, but it was obvious taylor had heard.

"come on, c. don't listen to them. let's go inside," taylor whispers to me — or as quite as you can be when people are screaming and snapping pictures at you.

my sister rushes me inside. tay waits for my mom to leave and go upstairs before she bends down in front of me. "hey, ignore them. you're beautiful."

"i am ignoring them, taylor," i fake a smile. "i'm going to get my dance clothes on to practice, shows coming up soon."

i push past her to go to my room. i undress, and stare at myself in front of my full length mirror.

my mirror was full of stickers and lyrics of my sisters. ones she got me for my past birthdays. ones that made me excited if i looked at them. they were happy lyrics. but looking at them now, however, didn't make me that happy. in fact, i couldn't read the lyrics, all i could notice was my body.

maybe the paparazzi were right.

i didn't have a thigh gap, i didn't have a flat stomach, i couldn't fit my hands around my wrists when i tried, i could pinch my cheeks, my ass was full of fat.

i needed to lose some weight.

i got dressed into my dance uniform, and ran downstairs into my home studio.

my dance teachers have had me doing a lyrical solo to the archer, and a jazz solo to death by a thousand cuts, by my sister.

i was told to keep it a secret from her, so i could surprise her once she comes to watch my show.

it was pretty easy to hide it from her when she was away, but now she's home, i don't know how i'm going to be able to hide the music.

i started to warm up to bad idea right?, by olivia rodrigo and brace myself for taylor's reaction, considering their feud.

i try and do the most exercising i can get in, to burn off as many calories as i can.

i was already working up a sweat before i even started my routines. i turn on the archer, praying taylor is in her music room, or doesn't think anything of me listening to her music.

i put the song on repeat, which if anyone hears, they probably would think i'm crying over the song.

i keep working on the dance, trying to perfect it. then, i try my jazz routine.

the archer, taylor swift's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now