Volume 1: Chapter 4

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The sun had already set by the time the group reached Primm, being around close to half past eight according to Six's wrist watch, something she always wore despite her pipboy's built-in clock. The Courier had to say though- she was impressed. Primm had had a complete makeover in the last 3 months since her last visit to the town. It wasn't brimming with life, sure (mostly because it was already dark), but it actually seemed like a settlement people lived in, with some still out and about. The neon lights of the Bison Steve Hotel and Vikki & Vance Casino shun brightly, effectively illuminating the whole road single handedly.

Much to Six's delight the casino was still open, which meant the bar also was, and HOT DAMN did she need a drink. Damnation would befall her though, as before she could even take a single step towards the source of her soon to be beloved alcohol, a hand holding her by the back of her collar kept her from moving. "Six, you come with me. I'm doing a check up on you." Rotson said.


"No buts." He interrupted. "You were shot multiple times. Don't care if you used stims, you still need to have an actual doctor see you. And as luck would have you, I'm probably the last licensed surgeon left in this God-forsaken rock. Besides-" His stare hardened. "-we need to talk ." It didn't take a genius to figure out what Rotson meant by that.

Six sighed internally before she reluctantly nodded. "I assume you got a clinic or somethin' here?" The pre-war ghoul nodded. "Alright then." She turned to Betty. "Can you please take Ruby to the casino and get her something to eat? She's probably hungry." Speaking of her, Six noticed Ruby wasn't standing close to either of them, although her eyes quickly found her a couple dozen feet away, staring in awe at the night sky. She hadn't talked at all since the shootout at the station.

Six was... concerned about the kid. Not because she cared about the pest, but because of what the last fight could do to her mental state, and a fragile mind on the road is a recipe for disaster. Still, Six couldn't stop herself from feeling the tiniest bit of empathy for Ruby. Killing people sucks. Six never liked doing so, sure she's not bothered by it (that's what decades of traveling the wasteland does to you), but to kill someone at such a young age? That's...not pretty. The snapping of fingers brought Six from her thoughts, making her focus once more on the doctor.

"You good, Six?" The doctor asked with a slight glint of concern in his eyes. Must be that doctor's instinct she heard Usanagi talk about. "You went really quiet there for a sec...Okay, quieter than you were the whole trip."

"...Yeah. I'm good. Let's get this shit over with already." Six motioned him to lead the way with her following close behind, leaving Betty and Ruby to go to the Vikki & Vance. Six glanced a final time towards the two and noticed Betty was keeping herself at a slight distance from the kid.


Rotson's clinic was a decent enough place. Not sterilized head to toe like the mojave clinic run by Usanagi, but it was still leagues better than the many dirty doctor's offices she'd seen across Nevada, having all the essentials and tools that a doctor would generally need in the wasteland. Of course given that Rotson was a traveling doctor, the clinic didn't have much in the way of decor which, in all honesty, Six didn't really care. She followed the doctor to an adjacent room where there was an examination table along with all the other classic doctor's office equipment. "I want you to take off your armor and sit on the table." She said, grabbing a clipboard.

"I'm good doc. Really. Worse case scenario, I use 'nother stim and sleep it off." The doctor did respond, only taking his eyes off the clipboard and giving Six a 'Do what I'm fucking telling you to do' look. Six groaned, but complied. She took off the upper portion of her riot gear, reducing her attire to only what was below the waist and leaving her upper body completely exposed safe for the tank top she wore under the undershirt and armor. The fight hadn't left her body in that bad of a shape, she only got hit like...3 times, minus the sledgehammer to the chest, but she could sleep it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2024 ⏰

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