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(Amy's pov)

Wildfire stopped Kira's takedown with his body, sending her toppling backwards. I hopped off his back, returning him to his pokeball.

"You..." Kira growled. She chuckled, changing into her real form. "Guess there's only 1 way to settle this."

We started at opposite ends of the room. Kira cracked her neck as I took out my first pokemon. I knew Kira was quite literally strong as a legendary. I guess it's legendary against legendary.

"Go, Saber!" I shouted. My chien-pao burst out of its pokeball, ready to fight.

"WOAH! Where did you get that?!" I heard Notme exclaim. "It's awesome!"

I chuckled at his enthusiasm. The floor rumbled as the Sword of Ruin roared. Kira nearly collapsed as her defense fell. Saber was probably my strongest pokemon because of his ability, but I still preferred battling with my dear arcanine.

"Saber, icicle crash!" I exclaimed. The Chien-Pao roared, causing ice to grow on the ceiling, which fell to the ground. Kira leaped nimbly between them, before jumping into the air, unleashing a hyper beam.

The attack bounced right off Saber's body.

I chuckled at her idiocy. She didn't know that if I maxed out friendship with a pokemon, they received immunity to normal type attacks, like a ghost type.

"What-" she stammered before growling. "You little-!"

"Sacred sword, Go!" I exclaimed, taking advantage of Kira's cooldown. Saber slashed the Zoroark with his fangs, taking out some of her hp. Damn she had a lot of health!

Kira retaliated with a powerful flamethrower, which dropped Saber's health to the red zone, 10 hp left. The Sword of Ruin was burned and injured, one more hit and he would lose. Kira smirked. Then I shouted something most trainers would find stupid. I prayed to Arceus that this would work.


Instantaneously, Kira dropped down, fainted. I flew around a little in victory. Nyla and Notme cheered. Saber nuzzled me happily. I used a hyper potion on him, making him purr.

"Good job, bud. Have a nice rest." I said as I returned him to his pokeball. "Love you, Saber."

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