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Ozomalia's pov

"Ok, Amy said they were on this planet somewhere. But where?" Detective said. Everyone else was mad at the jungle, full of mosquitoes, spiders, and my goddess's sacred animal, pythons.

My mind wandered as we searched, enjoying the fresh air of the rainforest. There was the occasional playful leopard and curious piranha, nothing I couldn't handle using my animal speak.

Look! It's Natalia's paladin! They would all exclaim. I guess I was a celebrity in the forest world.

I was so distracted I didn't notice that my friends were gone until it was too late. I gasped when I realized they weren't there. My sensitive ears heard guinea pigs squealing, their voices sounding like high pitched versions of my friends. They were screaming for help, getting farther away.

I chased after them, but eventually they were out of earshot. I collapsed in despair, sitting on a large rock. I held my head in my hands. I wanted to cry, but my eyes held no tears. I was alone.

(song starts here)


That voice... I knew that voice! The words were soft, and coming from every direction. Suddenly my patron emerged from the trees, glowing green. Her flower crown was beautiful, her dress spectacular. Her eyes sparkled with kindness and pity.


She approached me, gently floating above the ground. A bunch of forest animals followed her, everything from wolves to deer to monkeys. The animals were humming a soft tune.

Natalia was holding something in her hand; a light blue fox tail with golden wings at the base.

It was rarsora's tail, an artifact said kitsune gave me as a thank you. I had to leave it behind when Julie brought me to life.

"Kyrus... the foe who kidnapped your friends, is not easy to beat. You'll need divine intervention. A force from the forest and heavens." Natalia explained. She handed me the tail, and turned towards the forest.

She whistled, the loud, attention grabbing sound ringing through the forest. I sensed something approaching, something friendly.

A large wolf made of twigs and branches burst out of the woodland, my face lighting up at the sight of my old friend.

"The seasonal beast!" I exclaimed. I quickly turned to natalia. "Thank you, my goddess!"

She chuckled.

"Good luck." she disappeared in a vortex of leaves.

I climbed onto the back of the seasonal beast. The wolf sniffed the air a few times, before running in the direction of my friends.

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