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Momo was running away as fast as his tall lanky legs could take him. He had made sure that nothing like this would happen, yet here he was running away from the city goons. You see just a moment ago he was at jackson wangs party he hadnt want to be there his friends took him there w force making him wear his dress pants and shirt how embarrassing 😖 he would much rather wear his white shirt and white pants. They made him hide his true dark self, „the ANgel of DarknEss".

He was in a corner reading his fav celebrity's oopsie woopsie moments kind Ronaldo. He could feel the stares from every direction boring into his living being, yet he chose to ignore it. Bug that had its consequences.

No matter how hard he tried ignoring the eyeS, he couldn't ignore the new presence taking a seat beside him. Suddenly he felt slender arms going around his waist pulling him in to their direction. His back hit a something hard as he looked behind he found the 5th biggest mafia boss smirking down at him.

Suddenly he felt two fingers lifting his chin up. The man had omegas going crazy for him despite being a beta but momo wasnt like others he could resist the charms infact he hated the betas gut how dare he hold him without consent he tried to pull away but got pulled back into the mafias body."Eduard let go" he said with as much intimidation he could. Truth be told he was scared shitless. He was sure he had a lil woopsie in his grown pants of all the days it just had to happen on the day he wasn't wearing his diapers

His eyes started tearing up. Eduard started cooing. Momo didnt like the way eduard was looking at him with those lustfull eyes and pushed him away running away as fast possible.

He was frantic running and running not looking at the direction he could hear eduard chasing him laughing evily. As he was running he suddenly bumped into something or rather someone. He fell down trying to hide his tears as he looked up he saw his long time crush the alfa daddy ghe biggest mafia standing before his own eyes looking at him coldly


What do yall think will happen next dw i will
update soon.😘

 Angel pf darkness🐺🐺💔💔💔💔🖤💗😞😞😞😜🤪🤪🤪Where stories live. Discover now