Ch:3 what

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Suddenly Momo wakes up to the beeps and the sting of alcohol. His thorat feels dry he tries to sit up but  fails as his body feels too soar. Momo looks around and finds himself in a room whiter than jollys semen. 

Suddenly a fish lookin nurse comes up ti him handing him water and explains how hes lucky to have been saved by the alfa and didnt get all that injured from the car crash.

"Car crash?" Mos thoughts were all spiraled up like a fight between the da boyz and nicki minaj. Last thing he remembered was smelling baby diaper smell he produced cuz of being excited ti be near his alfa again.

Momo slaps himself "she is nit my alfa and that was just my inner wolf howling." The omega cries out.

The nurse looks at him bewildered and starts writtkng in her notepad about mental tests and walks out leaving the tall omega w his thoughts.

Momo smelled lavender not just any lavender but the smell was familiar. It smelled like his al..... like jolly he followed the smell and stumbled on a banana peel falling on someone.

He looked up it stank the person smelled like dry orgasam from a goat who humped a frog while eating sporks and shitting glitter produced by pony labor children.

He looked up to see hagop. "Not this ballsack noooooooo killl meeeeee" momo screamed in his head before biting his lip and getting off. Right as he pulled he was yanked right back with a tight grip around his tiny muskules.

Momo whimpered trying to get free. He felt like a lamb doing a handstand on lava nails he tried to slap hagop but hagop caught his hand pinning him to a wall "listen here u skid mark and listen good u better stay away from my jolly j didnt wait all these years just so u could come and steal her away shes going to be my alfa so scadadle away u skank" hagop said coldly

"" momo scoffed kicking his tiny balls and spitting on hagop. "Shit up until whore and change ur diapers u reek"

Hagop was bout to punvh him suddenly a hand stopped him.

An: i have so many ideas sooo ima tray and not forgt those

 Angel pf darkness🐺🐺💔💔💔💔🖤💗😞😞😞😜🤪🤪🤪Where stories live. Discover now