Unexpected meeting🥺

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He couldn't hold back his tears, being mistreated by Eduard by like that. There was a time Eduard used to be his friend but that was
before he got presented as an Omega. He could have never imagined his bsf to be such a scumbag to him just cuz of his subgender.

Momo looked up to see dark black curls covering those brown eyes he adored, that pale vampirish skin. The person smirked at him picking him up. It was jolly. Momo had had a crush on jolly for as long as he could remember. Before jolly could take a step eduards gang surrounded them with weapons. Without batting her eyes Jolly began to speak "they stand behind me I protect them they stand beside me i respect them but if they stand against me i attack them saying that the alfa leashed her rat army to fight.

There were every kinds of rats bug wild rats with bats to small infected rats on magic mats. They gave the enemy their pats and gave the whole eduard gang chlymedia.

Jolly scoffed walking off carrying her princess. Jolly threw momo in her car telling her driver to head to her mansion. She suddenly brought a magiac aid kit from her ass and started tending to the scratches on her future wifey.

As jolly was about to touch momos wound he snatched his arm back looking out the window ignoring her.

He couldnt forget how jolly left him all those years ago how could he, he was left alone to fend for himself. He couldnt forgive her now not after all these years. He scoffed trying to hold his tears.

Jolly took his face in her hands carresisng his cheeks she was about to smth before everything went blank all that could be heard were screams.

🥰 imma try and update soon

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