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I still have no idea who sent the message, but I have pinpointed what planet it came from. After scanning the entire planet, I found two buildings, and chose one to investigate.

I fly the Tel'tak, and land it near the larger building. I walk out, and inwardly wince at the heat. Take over, I think as I give Jacob control.

Jacob opens the door, and sees steps that lead down. He follows them, bringing out his flashlight when it becomes needed. He reaches a hatch, and opens it. It leads downward as well, and we can see it's leading to a dead-end.

Do you think- Jacob starts as he wonders if rings are coming. His thoughts are interrupted when he is answered by rings.

Oh, it stinks!

Jacob's nose stings, and he feels as if he was just punched in the stomach. He retreats immediately, leaving me in control. It doesn't help. I'm not able to control the nausea any better than he can. The feeling makes me feel weak, and I'm very glad that Jacob hasn't eaten in a while. In fact, I'm sure that is the only thing that keeps me from being completely humiliated here.

Afterwards I see a dozen people watching. Well, at least we don't have to worry about embarrassing ourselves here, as I'm sure they figured out we were sick. Despite our entrance, they appear to be afraid of us. I look to one, and he scampers off. Odd.

The entire place is filthy and dark. We are standing in muddy water, though the dirt directly under is hard. I would guess water has been dumped here recently, and by the looks of it, I would guess the water is what smells so bad.

I don't sense any Tok'ra, Jacob thinks.

Neither do I.

Well, there are prisoners anyway, Jacob thinks, though he also is thinking of his daughter. If we don't find any Tok-I sense a symbiote.

I did as well, and turn around. It's not anyone near, and the feeling disappeared. I head to the direction, and a couple prisoners follow. Down a hall I reach a barrier created from cloth. I pull it up, and hear a couple gasps behind me. They are ignored, and I walk through.

A human with brown hair looks up at me. He wears what Jacob tells me are nice clothes a man would wear on his planet. The man looks a bit surprised to see me. "This isn't your territory," he seems unsure of himself, though hides it well.

"I don't really care whether or not I'm in your territory." I glance around, and realize it smells better here, and the ground is no longer covered in water.

He frowns. "I ask that you return to your side."

He obviously thought I was one of the other prisoners, which Jacob and I find insulting. "I came here in search of the Tok'ra."

That surprises him. "Why do you wish to speak with him?"

"First to ensure myself he is Tok'ra and not Goa'uld. Where is he?"

"I assure you, Selmak," a distorted voice says, "I am Tok'ra."

Very surprised to hear my name.

I look up to see a man who makes all the other prisoners look clean, and believe me, they were far from clean. His hair is flattened down with grease and filth. His skin and clothes have layers of dirt built up. To be honest, he smells a bit like the water from the other room.

I can see other indications that he has been down here a while. He is underweight, though seems to stand with strength. He has scars that I believe were from cuts. One across the neck, one starting on the nose and slashing down over his right cheek, one starting at the hairline of his left temple and moved down just passed his ear, and some on his arms.

He is not a Tok'ra I know, not the host, but he seems familiar. "That is good to know." As I take a step forward, I realize why he looks familiar. The host is Tollan.

Jacob and I are both surprised by this. We thought all the Tollans had been killed.

"You received our distress call," he half states, half questions.

"Yes. Who are you?"

He hesitates, and that makes me wonder. Finally he steps closer. "Lantash."

That's not possible. That couldn't be possible. I feel Jacob has the same doubt as I.

"I know it doesn't seem possible," the man continues. "Ask me what you wish in order to be assured of my identity."

"Where did you and Jolinar perform the ritual to be mates, and how long ago was it?"

"On the planet Neeka, in the city of Guarda, Rosha's home. The ritual was performed 101 years before the death of Martouf. Time after his death is blurry since I was either in stasis or in this prison. The ceremony involved rituals of the hosts and us Tok'ra, so it lasted three days."

I almost feel as sick as I did when I first ringed in here. It is Lantash. I knew not just from his answer, but how he answered. He had somehow survived. We had abandoned him. Even Jacob was quiet as he feels the same numbness that washes through me.

Jacob composes himself much faster than I, and asks for control. He speaks as soon as it was given. "Lantash, I'm not going to even try to make up for what happened by apologizing. Not yet. We will get you out of here. Afterwards we need to go to Earth." His voice trails slightly. Knowing how Lantash feels about his daughter, he considers whether or not to bring up her being missing yet.

Lantash speaks instead though. "I know a way up, but it's a climb that not everyone can make." He looks to the other man with those words, and then back to Jacob. "It's to another level that will lead to the surface. Samantha is already there."

"Sam?" Jacob thinks he must have misunderstood, but it seems odd that we both would.

"Yes, she and Pete were taken from Earth."

Jacob looks to the other man. So, that's Pete.

"You can climb up to see her. I'm sure she'll be quite surprised." Lantash gestures us to follow, and starts walking.


There was something very familiar about Selmak, or rather, the host, but I couldn't quite figure it out. He seems to know Samantha. Do all the Tok'ra know Samantha?

Lantash just told Selmak's host that he could climb up. I wonder if he could. "It is quite a difficult cliimb," I comment.

The host looks to me, slightly irritated. "It sounds like Sam and Lantash made it. You don't think I can?"

"I didn't mean that. I just meant, you might have a hard time given-" No, that's a bad thing to say.

The man almost made a smirk. "Given what?"


"My age?"

Not sure how to react to that.

"Oh, so it is my age. I'm older than you, so I can't make the climb." He sounds almost cheerful, but in his sarcastic words, I know I offended him. He's probably already angry about our first encounter, and now this.

Well, what are the chances I'll encounter this Tok'ra again?

The thought reassures me, but something about Lantash makes me wonder. Lantash is really enjoying this. Why would he be enjoying this?

Lantash and Narim switch. Narim looks to Selmak's host. "I'm sure Pete is just nervous with meeting you."

Why would I be nervous?

"Given the look on his face, I don't think he knows why he should be nervous, and under these circumstances, why of all things would I make him nervous?"

Narim looks to me with a somewhat surprised look. "You don't know who he is?" His words are quieter, but I'm sure the other man heard them.

Uh, no. I'm still trying to figure why he looks familiar.

Narim glances from me to the other Tok'ra. "Well, Jacob, have we actually ever met? My name is Narim."

Jacob. "Jacob?!" I just offended Sam's father?!

To be continued...

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