POV Chiara

My head, ugh, why did I get that drunk yesterday... oh yeah, right, I remember. Even the thought of last night filled me with anxiety, awkwardness, and a little bit of sadness. I can't believe I almost kissed her, and this is so unlike me, and it's still surprising that I almost let that happen.


Who has the audacity to knock at my door this early and loud in the morning? I don't want to see, speak, or be near anyone, so "LEAVE" was what I yelled to whoever was behind that door.


They can't be serious.
"I'm not joking. Leave. Me. Alone." At this point, I can't guarantee anything will happen next if they even consider knocking...


I jumped off my bed and stormed to my door.
"What the hell is wrong with you? I told you to leave me..." I had to blink twice to make sure I wasn't imagining anything.. "Ava.."

"Hi," she said shyly. I still couldn't believe my eyes; I must be dreaming.
"What are you doing here?" She took a step closer and made her way towards me.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you." She stood right before me. I took a step back to keep a distance because I was not sure if, this time, I could resist. But that did not last long. She stepped forward and grabbed my door to push it shut behind her back.
"What are you doing?" Confused, I looked at her to see she was glancing at my lips, hers slightly parted.
"What I should've done the first time I saw you," and with that, she took a final step forward. I was now trapped between her and my bed.
"That is not a good idea, Ava." she ignored my words and, with one hand, put a strand of hair behind my ear to leave her and resting on my cheek.
"Using my word against me, huh?" Her smirk sent chills down my spine, and I could feel my body heat up. All I could think about now was kissing her. Her ocean eyes looked directly into my soul, dropping to my lips and back up. I didn't dare to take a glance at hers since I knew that if I did so, I would not be able to resist any longer

She moved her hand from my cheek to my chin to hold it with her thumb brushing against my lips.
She leaned in, and I took a glance at her lips. Damn it, I wanted her to kiss me so bad. I grabbed her by her hips, pulling her against me. I could hear a small gasp.

"You're so hot," was the last thing she whispered in her raspy voice before closing the gap between us.
The moment her lips touched mine, my mind went wild, my stomach flipped, and heat traveled down to my core.
I leaned into that kiss, giving all into her. Our lips moved in sync, and I let out a little sigh of relief. Hearing that, Ava kissed me even more profoundly and ran her tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance I was willing to give. I slightly opened my mouth and let out a small moan the moment her tongue touched...


I snapped, and before I knew it, I was lying in bed, my head pounding like hell. I opened my eyes and looked around to realize I must have been dreaming.


"LEAVE. ME. ALONE." My head was killing me, and the fact that I just dreamed about Ava was sending a rush of sadness through my bones.

"Chiara, please, let me in. I have breakfast," Simone said through the closed door. I didn't want to see anyone, but breakfast does sound good.

"Come in," when she opened the door, I sat up in bed, resting my head against the headboard, and took a Quick Look at my phone—9 am.
"FUCK! I'm late for classes," I was starting to get hectic, but Simone sat down and took both of my hands to calm me down.
"I've called you in sick today, also for training. I guess you're having a huge headache. Not that you don't deserve it, to be honest with you, but you need to cure that out properly so you'll be back on track tomorrow." I thanked Simone for doing so and gave her a little nudge for the 'you deserve that part.

"So I've got your morning coffee, some orange juice, and your favorite cream cheese bagel with strawberries. And some painkillers, but you won't get those until you explain yourself for getting that drunk on a Wednesday!" I knew Simone wouldn't let go of that topic till I told her. But I couldn't, and Ava would lose her job. But she does not have to know the whole truth.
"Why didn't you tell me about the new Coach?" I started with the elephant in the room. She knew I was pissed because she didn't tell me herself.
"I know, and I'm sorry! It all happened so fast. I didn't even know Deniz would stay longer, three days before the new year started. But I invited her over on her first day and planned on introducing you two personally, but you seemed too busy getting out of that house with Natalie that day," she explained. I didn't even know she was here, but I remember Simone calling after me, but I already left.

"Oh, I didn't know that. But at this point, someone had already sent me the news, and I was so angry at you that I just wanted to leave the house," not to mention the situation now. But that's not for her to know.
"But what was up yesterday? It can't still be the same reason." she didn't let go of that, and I was getting a little nervous about it.
"Let's say training didn't go well, and I was frustrated. You know I can't just trust someone," tho Ava. I would trust them immediately. Please don't ask me why. Something about her is making me feel safe when she's around.
"I know, Chiara, and it will take some time. But trust me, she's the best there is." Simone was right; she's an excellent Coach, and with some time, we would work great together. But after yesterday, that seems impossible. I'm not looking forward ever to seeing her again. This is going to be so awkward. Hopefully, everything will turn out good.

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