POV Chiara

Sitting in the car, I rethought my decision to leave. But came to the same conclusion every time. It was the right thing to do. Being in the same building as that toxic assistant coach was nearly impossible. Leaving was necessary for my mental health. Not being forced to stay somewhere, I wasn't safe. Sure, save might be a big word for that little situation this morning, but it felt like I wasn't.

My mind drifted to the only good thing happening this weekend. Ava.
However, I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing yet.
Sure, let alone the thought of her, kissing or just being around her makes my stomach flip, and there is more than a crush growing. But we both know how complicated this can get. She's my Coach, and I'm her athlete. And I'm afraid that if she returns from the trip, she'll realize again that it was a mistake. It surely wasn't for me; I don't care what other people think. I wish she would see that, too. Giving us a chance.

My thoughts got interrupted by a message from .. her.

Where are you? Why are all your things gone! Please tell me if you're okay! I'm worried!

Well, that is a lot of exploration marks. It's cute that she worries, and I should've probably left a note so she doesn't have to. But the moment I realized I had to leave that place as soon as possible, I was on autopilot.
I stared at the message for a bit. Not knowing what to reply. I felt guild coming up, leaving her alone. Worried. My phone started buzzing. Ava was calling me. I guess she was done waiting for a reply. Hesitating to answer the call, I took a deep breath and answered.

"Chiara! Where are you? I'm worried. You can't just leave me ... I mean ... you can't just leave the team weekend without informing someone," she kind of yelled at me before I could even say hello.

"Well, hello to you too, Ava," I joked, even though I didn't feel like it. Hearing her voice cheers me up, even if she yells at me.
"Sorry. Hello Chiara... Now, can you please answer my question?" She asked calmly.
"First of all, I'm sorry. I should have left a note or Text you. I felt so trapped in this situation that my only thought was to escape it. So I'm on my way home." I explained. There was a silence between us. But it was a comfortable one. We both had an understanding of the other one's situation. Ava, as Head Coach, can't just accept me leaving the Team weekend, but on the other hand, she knows that when you're mentally feeling trapped, leaving is the only way to feel safe again.
"Chiara, you know, as your Coach, I can't accept that, but I'm not your Coach right now.. if you need anything, please don't hesitate to call or text me. And let me know when you're home safe." I could hear worries in her voice.
"I'll. And thank you, Ava. Good night." With that, I ended the call. Sadness made its way through my body as I wished to be with her right now. Being in her arms gives me so much comfort.

When I arrived home, I sneaked into our  Mansion so Simone wouldn't know I had left early. That would only lead to the discussion I'm unwilling to have right now. When I arrived in my room, it was already 1 am, so I went directly to bed after washing myself in the bathroom. I felt my mind start to race again. Even though I'm at home and feel safe here, the situation this morning came so unexpectedly that it brought many bad memories back. Without thinking about the time, I called Ava.

"Hey.." she sounded tired. I must have woken her up.
"I'm sorry! I didn't think about the time. I'll let you sleep," I replied, about to hang up on her.
"Chiara! Chiara! Stop!" That was all I heard through the speaker before I could end the call.
"Yes?" I replied.
"I told you to call me when you need me. So here I am. Did you arrive home?" A smile crept on my lips. Her words mean so much to me.
"Yeah, I did. Sneaked in so Simone would not ask questions." I laughed.
"Right. Mrs. Steinkamp. I forgot about her... anyway, are you feeling okay?" I could hear in her voice that the mention of my mother brought some reality into her mind. The situation we are both in. But I won't address that topic tonight.
"I'm alright. I guess" that was a lie.
"No, you're not. I can feel that through the phone," and she was right. She always knew when something was up.
"You're right. My mind is racing, and I keep getting flashbacks. I'm not sure how to distract myself right now. So I guess my first instinct was to call you." I took a deep breath, not being used to being honest with someone.
"Thank you for telling me. If you want, we can talk about whatever until you feel good enough to try sleeping." So we did.

When I woke up the next morning, I heard a quiet noise of a shower running. Confused to sit in my bed and look at my bathroom, I instantly noticed the noise wasn't coming from there. Looking around, I found my phone and realized where the noise came from.
I looked at the screen and realized I was still on a call with Ava. 7 hours and 27min! How on earth... but then I realized I must have fallen asleep while we talked last night. I can't believe she didn't hang up.
I could hear the shower turned off and footsteps approaching the phone. A little hesitant, I decided to let her know I was awake.
"Ava?" I said through the phone. I heard some noises, and the phone was probably getting picked up from the sink.
"Good morning, Chiara. How did you sleep?"
"Ahm.. good. I guess. Why didn't you hang up?" I asked out of the blue.
"I don't know, actually; I wasn't sure if you were asleep, and then I fell asleep, too. When I wake up, I decided to wait till you wake up so I can be sure you're okay." She replied honestly.
That was the cutest thing ever. And yet, alone, the thought of someone caring so much about me made my eyes tear up.
"You didn't have to ... but I'm glad you did. Thank you."
"Don't even mention it. I'm here for you. And I stand by my word." Before I got too emotional, I decided to change the subject.
"When are you coming back today?" I hoped she would be back early so we could meet up.
"I think we're arriving at the campus around 3 pm.. why?"
"I thought maybe... you don't have to, tho! I was just wondering if.." get your shit together, Chiara.
"Chiara. Maybe ask away instead of telling me I don't have to say yes. I'm pretty sure my answer to whatever you're asking will be yes, tho," she laughed.
"Do you wanna meet up? Maybe get some dinner and watch a movie?" My heart was racing.
"I would love to. Do you know that small restaurant on Melrose Avenue with the rooftop theater on top?"
"Of course I do. I love that place." It was one of my favorites.
"How about a dinner date? And afterward, a movie at my place?" That question came unexpectedly. Was she asking me for a date? Or was it just a term she uses?
"You don't have to say yes, Chiara; I was just thinking maybe you want to go on a date with..."
"Of course I want!" I interrupted her, being too excited to wait with my answer.
"Happy to hear that! I'll text you the details later. Can't wait to see you." Thankfully, she couldn't see me blush through the phone.
"Me neither, till then, thank you for being there for me, and have a great day," I replied as calmly as possible.
"Always. See you later, Chiara." With that, we hang up.
I stared at my phone for some time. I can't believe what just happened.

All of a sudden, my door opened, and a perplexed Natalie was standing in front of me.
"What are you doing here?" She asked me.
"The question is, what are you doing in my room when u know I'm not home?" I replied.
"But you are," she hissed.
"That was not my question, Natalie."
"Answer mine first, then I'll tell you." She closed the door and sat beside me on the bed.
"Long story short, the assistant Coach snapped at me, so I panicked and left," I replied boldly.
"I'll kill this dude," Natalie said.
"Yeah, get in line for that." I laughed. "now answer my question."
"Fine. I'm using your shower. Your water pressure is much better than in my bathroom, so .." she admitted.
"And let me guess, you're using my shampoo and conditioner, too, when you're already in my shower," I said. "Got me. It's just so so good." She laughed.
"I know, that's why they're so expensive." I gave her a look, and she rolled her eyes at me.
"Anyway, does Simone know that you're back home?"
"No, she does not, and it would be nice if you wouldn't tell her. I don't have any nerve to tell her about that situation. You know how she can be if someone is rude to me, especially a man yelling at me." I looked down at my hands, fidgeting with them.
Natalie took my hands in her and said, "I won't tell her anything. And if you want to talk. I'm here." She hugged me and stood up.
"But now ima using your shower because you're not supposed to be here." She laughed and disappeared into my bathroom.

It was afternoon, and I sent Simone a text to let her know that I'd be out with friends this evening. She told me she wouldn't be at home either, which is perfect, so I won't have to sneak out later and explain why I don't have any suitcases when I return home later.

Hey you, we just arrived. I'll get home real quick and get ready for dinner. Is 5 pm at the restaurant suitable for you?

Hey, that sounds perfect. I'll see you there

Great! I can't wait to see you

I smiled at my phone and realized it was already 3 pm. I had to get ready so that I wouldn't be late.

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