My girlfriend leaves camp

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I woke up to her brown eyes staring at me. It seemed to be the only thing that comforted me these days. We fell asleep late last night due to the storms. The storms have been constant for the past week. Zeus must be mad.
"Good morning, seaweed brain." She said, staring longingly into my eyes. She'd always called me that, ever since we met. My heart would flutter away every time I heard the two words.
"Good morning, wise girl." I said, not being able to stop myself from smiling. She sat herself down at the foot of my bed and sighed. I knew what she was about to say. She was leaving later today to go meet up with her dad. Camp half-blood had began to allow people to go out for a maximum of eight hours, if not on a quest. Most days, camp were empty so it's kinda stupid but I get it.
"You know that I have to go. And it'll only be eight hours!" She said, her grin slowly fading. I feel like she knew something I didn't. 'She' is annabeth, by the way.
"I know," I replied, my head sinking into the pillow, "I'm just gonna miss you all day. Who am I gonna tell my stories to?"
I've began to make stories. Everyone had hobbies except me in camp. Grover would protect, annabeth would design buildings and everyone else's was something dumb like archery or sword fighting. Okay, I know they're not stupid, they're really useful in battle. I was just jealous that I hadn't found an actual hobby yet.
"You have Grover." She said stubbornly, but I knew she didn't mean it. She just has resting stubborn face. And casually stubborn words. And casually stubborn sentences. And casually stubborn... sorry I'm getting off track.
She gave me a kiss before she stood up and grabbed her backpack. I hated to see her go. I know you might be saying I'm over-reacting, but the last time I was away from her for a while, a bunch of cannibals tried to kill me with dodgeballs, and another time, I didn't even leave her and she took a knife for me. So I'm actually probably under-reacting. I closed my eyes right before she turned around and left.

I woke up again, and stared at the picture of me and Annabeth at the movies. It was the first movie she'd ever watched. Since Annabeth had known about her demi-godly-ness since she was seven, she missed out on a lot of her childhood. I had to go say bye to her for the day. She left at 5:00PM and it was... 6PM! Shoot, I thought to myself. I threw on my orange 'camp half-blood' tee-shirt and ran outside of my cabin. Maybe she was still waiting. I ran halfway across camp before I saw Grover limping over to me.
"Grover! Is Annabeth..." I stopped talking when I saw his mouth form into a frown. "I missed her, didn't I?" I sighed. I always do this. Since phones aren't allowed at camp - and I never wake up on time without an alarm - I always missed stuff.
"Im sorry, Percy." Grover said, looking sorry for me. He knows how much anxiety I hate when me and Annabeth are away from each other for over, like, ten minutes.
"Do you wanna tell me a story to help get your mind off of it?" He said, forcing a smile. I'm still confused how he knows just how to make me feel better, even though we've been friends for over three years. I disassociated for a while, worrying what could happen in the time that Annabeth was gone. Yet, I didn't need Grover to know all that.
"Sure! I've got this new one that was based on one of my nightmares." I said, walking away with Grover.

Little did I know.

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